Marxists Theories Of Crime!


Sociology Mind Map on Marxists Theories Of Crime!, created by 06ballgo on 10/06/2013.
Mind Map by 06ballgo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 06ballgo over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Marxists Theories Of Crime!
  1. Marx wrote very little about crime, but this has not stopped others developing a traditional marxist view on crime. It is called traditional because the ideas are linked to the original concepts presented by Marx about the bourgeoisie, proletariat and the nature of capitalist society! ~ Power is in the hands of those who own the means of production. The superstructure reflects the relationship between the powerful and the relatively powerless. HERMANN MANNHEIM ~ Writes 'the history of criminal legislation in England and many other countries show that excessive prominance was given by the law to the protection of property.(property is seen to be more important than humans)
    1. Many Marxists view crime as a product of a capitalist society and believe that the capitalist economic system generates crime. This belief is based on the following reasons: ~ The infrastructure is the major influence on social relationships values and beliefs. ~ Capitalist ideals encourage the maximising of profits and wealth accumillation! ~ It is economic self-interest that motivates behaviour rather than public duty! (people buy into criminal behaviour) ~Crime is rational as people (proletariat) are basically left to fend fro themselves!
      1. These various quotations are supported by a range of evidence. For example, the BBC (2007) conducted research into the experience of work in the United Kingdom of migrants from Eastern Europe. It was found that many migrants were in a BONDED LABOUR relationship with their employer. The migrants were providing cheap labour for capitalist enterprises (something desired by both the employers and goverments). The goverment were not prepared to legislate (create laws) that protected the 'rights' of these employers.
      2. The majority of laws in Britian and America work in favour of the capitalists. Yet many laws do benifit other social classes, not only because the system needs a healthy, safe population of producers and consumers but also because it needs their loyalty (pearce 1976)
        1. Chambliss(1976) Argues that crime is not the servant of the ruling class, but rather, an integral part of it. ~ Those who operate organised crime in American cities are not members of some 'criminal class' ~They belong to the political and social elite! ~ It is not only the small minority of active syndicate members within the ruling class who profit from crime. The class as a whole benefits, since monies gained from illegal activities are used to finance legal business operations. ~ Corruption of local political and law enforcement agencies is essential for organised crime to flourish. ~ Ultimately, criminal acts which favour the ruling class interests will not be punished, those that do will be subject to legal sanctions.
          1. In some cases the ruling class have entered into relationships with organised crime! ~ Pearce (1976) Notes that in America in the 1920's and 1930's American organised crime, had been encouraged, ignored or repressed in direct relationship to its usefulness to the American ruling class. ~ In the 1930's large companies employed gangsters for a variety of purposes such as breaking strikes, to intimidate workers. To infiltrate and control unions, or to put competitors out of business. This was evident in the conflicts between bosses and workers in disputes with Ford and General motors. ~ Such 'working relationships' are still evident. For example, the filming of the James Bond movie Quantum of Solace involved the film production company seeking support from the street gangs that controlled Panama City!
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