Fixed and Growth Mindset


In this lesson, we compare the differences between a fixed, and growth mindset. Which of these Mindsets are you?
Alysha Climacosa
Mind Map by Alysha Climacosa, updated more than 1 year ago
Alysha Climacosa
Created by Alysha Climacosa almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Fixed and Growth Mindset
  1. Growth Mindset
    1. Failure is an opportunity to success.
      1. I can make my work better.
        1. I will improve my grades next year.
          1. There is always another chance.
          2. Mistakes help me learn.
            1. I can learn from the people I know
              1. I will improve my work from the feedback I received
            2. Challenges improve my knowledge.
              1. How can I get better at this?
                1. I can learn what I want to do.
                2. Let's finish this.
                  1. Questions help my knowledge.
                    1. Just keep going.
                3. Fixed Mindset
                  1. Failure is the end of my ability.
                    1. My work is good enough.
                      1. My grades is not good enough.
                        1. I failed.
                        2. I made a mistake.
                          1. My friend can do it.
                            1. Feedback are mean compliments.
                          2. Don't like to be challenged.
                            1. It's too hard.
                              1. I'm either good at it or not.
                              2. I give up.
                                1. I don't want to look dumb.
                                  1. Effort is a waste of time.
                              3. Choose the right decision and path to walk on.
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