Musical Symbols


A mind map of the most frequently used symbols in middle school music.
Devon zzstu Messner
Mind Map by Devon zzstu Messner, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by kcollins3 over 10 years ago
Devon zzstu Messner
Copied by Devon zzstu Messner almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Musical Symbols
  1. Marks and symbols used to describe
    1. Articulation
      1. Bowings
        1. Bow lift
          1. Up bow
            1. Down bow
            2. Glissando
              1. Accent
                1. Slur
                  1. Staccato
                    1. Tie
                      1. Tenuto
                        1. Tremolo
                        2. Pitch


                          1. Clefs
                            1. Treble Clef
                              1. Bass Clef
                                1. Alto Clef
                                2. Accidentals
                                  1. Sharp
                                    1. Natural
                                      1. Flat
                                    2. Rhythm
                                      1. Notes
                                        1. Whole Note
                                          1. Half Note
                                            1. Quarter Note
                                              1. Eighth Note
                                                1. Dotted-quarter note
                                                2. Rests
                                                  1. Whole Rest
                                                    1. Half Rest
                                                      1. Quarter Rest
                                                        1. Eighth Rest
                                                      2. Tempo
                                                        1. Musical Road Map


                                                          1. Time Signature
                                                            1. Multi-measure rest
                                                              1. Caesura
                                                                1. Lines
                                                                  1. Staff
                                                                    1. Bar line
                                                                      1. Double Bar
                                                                        1. Ledger Lines
                                                                        2. Repetition
                                                                        3. Dynamics
                                                                          1. louds
                                                                            1. forte
                                                                              1. fortissimo
                                                                                1. mezzo forte
                                                                                2. softs
                                                                                  1. mezzo piano
                                                                                    1. piano
                                                                                      1. pianissimo
                                                                                      2. changing over time
                                                                                        1. fortepiano
                                                                                          1. crescendo
                                                                                            1. diminuendo/decrescendo
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