The city


Year 10 English Sm 1 (Landscape and identity - extended response) Mind Map on The city, created by marion.wilson on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by marion.wilson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marion.wilson about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The city
  1. Effect of this landscape in Literature
    1. To put emphasis on the person's loneliness
      1. provide a very complex situation for the character
        1. To provide a scenario where the character feels small/ lost
        2. How is it portrayed
          1. Who Portrays it
            1. Film Makers
              1. Artists
                1. Poets
                  1. Authors
                  2. Physically
                    1. Dark
                      1. Dirty
                        1. Crowded
                          1. Monotoned
                          2. Emotionally
                            1. Unforgiving
                              1. Lonely
                                1. Harsh
                                  1. Confusing
                                2. Examples
                                  1. John Bracks 'Collin street at 5pm'
                                    1. Uniformed
                                      1. Monotoned
                                        1. Everyone/thing the same
                                        2. The Unknown Terrorist
                                          1. THE POEM
                                          2. Stereotypes
                                            1. People
                                              1. Posh
                                                1. Civilised
                                                  1. Successful
                                                    1. Well educated
                                                      1. Rich
                                                        1. Backstabbing
                                                          1. Pompus
                                                            1. Rushing
                                                            2. Landscape
                                                              1. Office buildings
                                                                1. Everything the same
                                                                  1. Uniformed
                                                                    1. A tight system
                                                                      1. Busy
                                                                        1. Always alive
                                                                          1. Never sleeps
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