Block 1 50 Words


Mind Map on Block 1 50 Words, created by David Millward on 31/05/2013.
David Millward
Mind Map by David Millward, updated more than 1 year ago
David Millward
Created by David Millward almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Block 1 50 Words
  1. Unit 1 family
    1. Carer
      1. family
        1. hard
          1. carers uk
            1. 58% women
          2. demanding
            1. Stressful
              1. trapped
                1. rewarding
                2. cavaye
                  1. ann
                    1. angus
                  2. husein et al
                    1. young
                      1. parents
                        1. asian less support
                      2. caring relationships
                        1. relationship
                          1. choice
                            1. support
                            2. Evandrou
                              1. womans role
                              2. cared for
                                1. loss of power
                                  1. burden
                                    1. fear
                                      1. isolation
                                        1. 70% >65
                                          1. 38% Parents
                                          2. peter townsend
                                            1. 1950 family
                                              1. relatives
                                                1. near
                                              2. bethnall
                                                1. 2001
                                                  1. ethnic
                                            2. Unit 2 ILL
                                              1. Biological Science
                                                1. Talcott Parsons
                                                  1. sick role
                                                    1. not fault
                                                      1. exempt norm
                                                        1. seek help
                                                          1. signs
                                                            1. not believed
                                                        2. Anwar
                                                          1. lathargic
                                                            1. eyes
                                                              1. diabtetes
                                                            2. culture
                                                            3. service user
                                                              1. effective health care
                                                                1. primary
                                                                  1. doctors
                                                                    1. choose
                                                                  2. secondary
                                                                    1. biomedical
                                                                      1. hospital
                                                                        1. referred
                                                                          1. castledine
                                                                            1. hierachy
                                                                              1. hca
                                                                              2. team
                                                                          2. treating body
                                                                    2. social model
                                                                      1. prevent
                                                                        1. promote health
                                                                          1. cure
                                                                        2. society change
                                                                      2. Unit 3 SOCIAL
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