High Commitment Models


(Human Resources Management) Mind Map on High Commitment Models, created by kca2308 on 30/05/2013.
Mind Map by kca2308, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kca2308 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

High Commitment Models
  1. Situational Contingency Models
    1. New York Model, Schuler and Jackson, 1987
      1. Criticisms of...
        1. Innovator, Quality enhancer, Cost reducer
      2. MIchigan Model
        1. Calculative HRM
        2. Walton's Model, 1985
          1. Guest et al 1987
            1. Legge 1995
              1. NOT VARIABLES
              2. Genesis
                1. HR content/process
                2. Achievement of goals
                  1. BNP-R, JT
                  2. HRM vs PM
                    1. Hart, 1993
                    2. HRM and JP
                      1. Combs et al, 2006
                      2. HRM in UK
                        1. Labour markets/unemployment
                        2. Shareholders/Workforce
                          1. Trade Unions
                            1. Bundles
                              1. Individual Diferrences
                                1. Nishii 2008
                                2. Strong situations
                                  1. Beer et al 1995 Harvard Model
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