B1 U3 - Social Care in the Community


Other K101 (Block 1) Mind Map on B1 U3 - Social Care in the Community, created by Ashleigh Fox on 27/05/2013.
Ashleigh Fox
Mind Map by Ashleigh Fox, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashleigh Fox
Created by Ashleigh Fox almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

B1 U3 - Social Care in the Community
  1. Entering the world of Social Care
    1. Ann, Angus - Yetunde
      1. First very shaky - Angus didn't like her, she didn't know the routine, he couldn't say her name.
        1. Yetunde - took the time to do basic tasks.
          1. Got Angus to play the grandfather role to Zoe
            1. Call Yetunde "Betty"
              1. Her approach and attitude made a difference, not just the care plan
              2. Ann gets help
                1. GP puts her on antidepressants
                  1. Attends a group - helps with specialist services for people with Parkinson's
                  2. Before entering the Social Care world users and carers have to undergo an assessment of needs
                    1. Aids and adaptations are often helpful although Ann never really comments on these
                    2. Who decides, who pays?
                      1. Fair Access to Care Services
                        1. If risks to safety and independence are 'critical' or substantial will help be provided. Otherwise people have to find their own sources of assistance
                          1. It is determined by the local council
                            1. There is no guarantee that people eligible one year will be the next
                            2. Who pays
                              1. There is no way to assess how much or how many people pay for their own care
                                1. The NHS provides some care but not all
                                  1. For people like Angus, it costs the government around £8 million which comes from national and local taxation
                                    1. It varies between countries in UK
                                      1. Postcode Lottery - unfair depending on where you live?
                                      2. Health Care - national taxation (public). Social Care falls on local authorities (government)
                                      3. Home Care: workers and users
                                        1. Somebody Cares
                                          1. Brian & June - Kevin and Elvis
                                            1. Amputee - Social Services
                                              1. No issues and appreciates the work done for him.
                                              2. Clarice - Liz
                                                1. To stay out of care home - pays herself
                                                  1. Flexible if she needs more help
                                                    1. Important to have same worker
                                                    2. Aerwyn - Elvis
                                                      1. Providing company - Social services
                                                        1. Prefers non formal - no uniform
                                                          1. Regards Elvis as a friend
                                                          2. Maria - Lyn
                                                            1. To live independently with disability - SS, Independent Living fund and own money
                                                              1. Likes variety of workers provided
                                                                1. All treat her with respect
                                                          3. The caring business
                                                            1. Commissioners - The agency which contract and pay for services. ie. Cardiff Social Services
                                                              1. Providers - private ie. Somebody Cares or non-profit organisations
                                                                1. Service users - people who use the service ie. Elvis, Clarice
                                                                  1. Complexities
                                                                    1. Staffing - making sure everyone is covered no matter what the weather
                                                                      1. Training
                                                                        1. Monitoring and spot checks
                                                                        2. Maintaining standards
                                                                          1. 2006 Social Care Inspection
                                                                            1. considerable dissatisfaction with home care on the part of the people who use it
                                                                        3. Providing home care: an alternative model
                                                                          1. Direct Payments - cash payments made by the local authority to an individual with certain needs so that they can pay for them.
                                                                            1. Promotes independence, control
                                                                              1. The term personal assistant is used because it usually involves more personal care
                                                                                1. familiarity with PA, not getting a new person every time and explaining again and again
                                                                                  1. Empathy and understanding
                                                                                    1. companionship
                                                                                      1. Hard to keep the boundary between friendship and work
                                                                                        1. DP - most suitable for people with permanent disabilities, long term issues. Not babies, children or older frail people
                                                                                      2. Maslow's hierarchy
                                                                                        1. 1. Physiological
                                                                                          1. 2. Safety
                                                                                            1. 3. Social
                                                                                              1. 4. Self-esteem
                                                                                                1. 5. Self-actualisation
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                                                                                                B1 U2 - Illness, Health and Care
                                                                                                Ashleigh Fox
                                                                                                K101 Revision Notes
                                                                                                Rae Leigh Cawley
                                                                                                Block 1 Key Points
                                                                                                Social care, Who pays?, Who decides?
                                                                                                Entering the world of social care
                                                                                                Being Ill
                                                                                                Maslows Hierarchy of needs
                                                                                                Care in Families: Why it matters
                                                                                                Block 1 end of unit check lists
                                                                                                Experiencing Family Care
                                                                                                Healthcare in Changing times