
BLOCK 2 Mind Map on GROUP WORK, created by Jen Collins on 27/05/2013.
Jen Collins
Mind Map by Jen Collins, updated more than 1 year ago
Jen Collins
Created by Jen Collins almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 70'S and 80'S grp wrk became a focus in Health care
    1. 1990's emphasis moved away from grp towards individually tailored packages of care
      1. result of 1990 NHS and Community Care Act
        1. result of service user complaints that their individual needs were being ignored
          1. services now targeted those most in need
          2. felt the individual approach provided better basis for increased self respect and recognition that peoples circs vary
          3. felt being in a group cld be therapeutic esp if skilled leader involved
            1. possible to learn frm others experiences and can lead to an understanding of themselves and personal development
              1. enabled people to speak out an didentify individual and collective need, focus isn't just on them and their experience of illness/situation
            2. A group has 4 identifying factors
              1. 1. has members who depend on each other
                1. 2. Has own rules and shared ideas
                  1. 3. Sml enough so can know s'thing about everyone
                    1. 4. There is a shared goal
                    2. LINDA FINLAY: Social development is shapped by experiences of grps
                      1. can be linked to V. Patel and latency period of childhood
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                      ATTACHMENT THEORY: JOHN BOWLBY
                      Jen Collins
                      Jen Collins
                      TOTAL INST characteristics
                      Jen Collins
                      BLOCK 2 - KEY PEOPLE
                      Jen Collins
                      Life experinece as everyday talk
                      Identity and attachment
                      CHANGING IDENTITIES
                      Jen Collins
                      is lennox castle total inst
                      Jen Collins
                      Jen Collins
                      REMEMBERING AND IDENTITY
                      Jen Collins
                      LENNOX CASTLE
                      Jen Collins