7.6 - Life after death


GCSE Religious Education (RE) (Judaism) Mind Map on 7.6 - Life after death, created by Ola J on 14/10/2017.
Ola J
Mind Map by Ola J, updated more than 1 year ago
Ola J
Created by Ola J over 7 years ago

Resource summary

7.6 - Life after death
  1. Judaism focuses on life now instead of life after death
    1. There are different personal opinions in Judaism
      1. They all agree that death is not the end
      2. The Jewish after life is called Olam Ha-Ba (The world to come)
        1. Resurrection and reincarnation are traditional Jewish beliefs
          1. Temporary punishment after death in Gehinnom is within traditional belief, but there are no ideas of eternal punishment
            1. Life after death to be reunited with God
              1. 'When Jacob finished charging his sons, he drew his feet into the bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people' GENESIS
              2. Reward and Punishment
                1. 'Those who teach righteousness to the multitudes will shine like the stars, forever and ever" DANIEL
                2. Gan Eden - A place where righteous people go when they die
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