Natural Chemistry


GCSE Chemistry Mind Map on Natural Chemistry, created by Carmen Trinh on 10/10/2017.
Carmen Trinh
Mind Map by Carmen Trinh, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Trinh
Created by Carmen Trinh over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Chemistry
  1. Alkanes
    1. Saturated hydrocarbons
      1. Only one single covalent bond
      2. C(n)H(2n+1)
        1. Most hydrocarbons in crude oil are alkanes
          1. Give out large amounts of energy when burnt
          2. The bigger the molecule, the higher the boiling/melting point
            1. And so the less flammable they become
            2. Very flammable
              1. The bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms don't break
              2. Empirical formula
                1. Worked Example


                  • Benzene has the molecular formula of C6H6, what is its empirical formula? The ratio of carbon to hydrogen is 1:1, so the empirical formula would be CH.
                  1. Good for representing ionic compounds
                  2. Alkenes
                    1. C2H2
                      1. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
                        1. The molecules have double covalent bonds
                          1. More reactive than alkanes
                          2. Very flammable
                            1. Burn in combustion reactions to produce carbon dioxide and water
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