English II


Mapa mental del curso de ingles II
Luisa Pinillos
Mind Map by Luisa Pinillos, updated more than 1 year ago
Luisa Pinillos
Created by Luisa Pinillos about 7 years ago

Resource summary

English II
  1. 1. Starting information
    1. How to navigate in the classroom
      1. Course agenda
        1. Course presentation
          1. Duties and rights
            1. Course News
              1. Course general forum
              2. 2. Knowledge environment
                1. Course syllabus English Level II
                  1. Unit 1 - Giving advice
                    1. Unit 1.1. Fasten your seat belt
                      1. Unit 1.2. You should keep your passport!
                        1. Unit 1.3. What's the weather like?
                          1. Unit 1.4. Going on a trip
                            1. Unit 1.5. What did you do last weekend?
                            2. Unit 2 - Getting a job!
                              1. Unit 2.1. Summer jobs
                                1. Unit 2.2. Job interview
                                  1. Unit 2.3. At the supermarket
                                    1. Unit 2.4. At the restaurant
                                      1. Unit 2.5. What's on the news?
                                      2. Glossary
                                      3. 3. Collaborative learning environment
                                        1. Synchronous assessment by Webconference
                                          1. Synchronous support by Skype
                                            1. In situ accompaniment
                                              1. Unit 1 - Giving advice - Act. 1. Recognition task forum
                                                1. Activity guide_Unit 1_Act.1 Recognition task forum
                                                  1. Activity guide_Unit 2_Getting a job!_Act.3_Writing...
                                                    1. Activity guide_Unit 1_Giving advice_Act.5_Speaking...
                                                2. 4. Practice learning environment
                                                  1. Guide for the development of the practical component:
                                                    1. Learning by interacting
                                                  2. 5. Monitoring and evaluation environment
                                                    1. Unit 1 - Act. 1. Recognition task forum
                                                      1. Unit 1 - Act. 2. Pre-knowledge task
                                                        1. (Audios)
                                                      2. Unit 2 - Act. 3. Writing task forum
                                                        1. Unit 1 - Act. 4.Unit 1 - Task: Giving advice
                                                          1. 1 Audios - Unit 1 - Act. 4. Homework Unit 1: Giving advice
                                                          2. Unit 1 - Act. 5. Speaking task
                                                            1. Unit 2 - Act. 6 - Unit 2 - Task: Getting a job
                                                              1. Audios
                                                              2. Units 1-2 - Act. 7. Task: General course review
                                                                1. Units 1-2 - Act. 8 - Task: Oral and written production review
                                                                  1. Act. 9. Final Evaluation
                                                                    1. Audios
                                                                  2. 6. Student´s Management environment
                                                                    1. Academic news
                                                                      1. Saber Pro - ICFES
                                                                        1. Student services
                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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                                                                        REDES SOCIALES
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                                                                        Definición Didáctica
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