What did you do yesterday ?


Mental map
Manuel Dario Gallardo
Mind Map by Manuel Dario Gallardo, updated more than 1 year ago
Manuel Dario Gallardo
Created by Manuel Dario Gallardo almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

What did you do yesterday ?
  1. I went to the university to pay the pass to water's park.
    1. I went to Claro to pay the data plan, beacuse they cut the service
      1. I drove the car till my house for lunch
        1. I went to peck up my mother to her work
          1. I rested a little
            1. I went to bank with my Grandfather
              1. At night, i went to the park to play basketball, but the rain ruined the game.
                1. Finally, I arrived to my house to rest, after a lon day
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