The Internet and web pages


This is mindmaping summarizing the Internet UNIT for 2nd ESO-Technology (Madrid-Spain)
Miguel Salamanca
Mind Map by Miguel Salamanca, updated more than 1 year ago
Miguel Salamanca
Created by Miguel Salamanca about 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Internet and web pages


  • From the Oxford text of this matter
  1. How the internet works
    1. Data transmission
      1. Network protocol
        1. Client-server model
          1. Packet switched networks
        2. Types of network
          1. WAN


            • Wide Area Networks
            1. LAN


              • Local Area Network
              1. PAN WPAN


                • Personal Area Network Wireless Personal Area Network
                1. BAN and WBAN


                  • Body Area Networks and Wireless Body Area Networks
                2. TCP/IP
                  1. Locating a computer
                    1. By its Ip Address
                      1. By its domain name
                        1. DNS
                    2. Internet Security
                      1. Ciber-attacks
                        1. Viruses
                          1. Malware
                            1. Identity theft
                              1. Man in the middle
                                1. Sniffers
                                2. Password protection


                                  • Basic rules: - Use upper-case and lower-case letters and numbers too - At least, 8 characters - Nothing to be in the dictionary - Don't use your birthday or ID number - Easy to remember... for you! - Don't keep your password in your mobile phone
                                  1. Illegal online activities
                                    1. SPAM
                                      1. Phishing
                                        1. Cyber-Bullying
                                          1. Sexting
                                          2. Internet regulations
                                            1. Agencia Española de Protección de Datos


                                              • 901 233 144 616 172 204
                                          3. Internet services, applications and innovations
                                            1. Designing Web Pages in HTML
                                              1. Cascading Style Sheets (CCS)
                                                1. Hosting or using a server
                                                  1. Using AJAX for more efficient browsing
                                                    1. Using CMS to design web pages
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