The roles of functional and cross-functional planning


Administración de Empresas Mind Map on The roles of functional and cross-functional planning, created by Camila Ortiz on 29/09/2016.
Camila Ortiz
Mind Map by Camila Ortiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Camila Ortiz
Created by Camila Ortiz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The roles of functional and cross-functional planning
  1. General Motor's GVDP 2003
    1. To support design scheduling
      1. Through the cross and functional plan
      2. Operations Planning & Scheduling group
        1. GM starts to incorporate the cross-functional PDT PLANS
        2. Functional planning
          1. To manage the work of department
            1. Internal projects
              1. Such as process improvement initiatives
                1. Costs, throughput and resources of a particular department
                  1. Sourcing,Sales, manufacturing etc
                2. To design or lay out the department's strategy
                  1. Particular program
                  2. Define and measure
                    1. The outputs
                      1. The throughput
                        1. Across the entire portfolio
                        2. To include and manage the competing priorities
                          1. From multiple programs
                            1. level program but also the specific activities (component level)
                              1. Expanded out the activities or functions of a product
                          2. To devote resources to managing changes
                            1. Example: Review of product design for new cost initiative
                            2. Support all projects with the same type of work
                              1. Functional plan as a framework
                                1. Functional schedules
                                  1. Work across many programs
                                    1. No specific vehicle program
                                      1. To manage workload and support others plans
                                      2. PDT PLANS of a particular subsystem
                                        1. Development
                                          1. design and process development
                                            1. Styling
                                              1. Manufacturing
                                                1. PROPOSE
                                                  1. The functional schedule supports the cross-functional plan
                                                    1. SUB-SYSTEM
                                                      1. Component
                                                      2. To assess functional schedule performance
                                                      3. To integrate product based functional schedule
                                                    2. Interfaces
                                                      1. The functional plans and the vehicle work together
                                                        1. Between the two functional plans
                                                    3. Cross-functional planning
                                                      1. It brings the activities of various fuctional groups
                                                        1. Support a single project
                                                          1. There are the level or the component program
                                                            1. Example. Production tooling that vary for each component
                                                              1. The product is an entire vehicle or component
                                                            2. The functional areas or SUB-SYSTEM
                                                            3. Work carried out by a single functional organization
                                                              1. Specifics funtions
                                                              2. To manage a interface between the another functional groups
                                                                1. To hand-off the completion of an activity
                                                                2. Includes a process for establishing program requirements
                                                                  1. To meet the program' needs (REQUIREMENTS)
                                                                  2. Focused on planned activity
                                                                    1. It is not consider to change work
                                                                      1. Used in longer tooling times
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