Teoria General de Sistemas


Mapa Mental
jhon wuilquer laguna castellanos
Mind Map by jhon wuilquer laguna castellanos, updated more than 1 year ago
jhon wuilquer laguna castellanos
Created by jhon wuilquer laguna castellanos about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Teoria General de Sistemas
  1. Hierarchy of Systems
    1. 1. Structure Estatica
      1. 2. Simple Dynamic System
        1. 3. Control Mechanism
          1. 4. Open Systems
            1. 5. Social Genetico
              1. 6. Animal System
                1. 7. Human System
                  1. 8. Social System
                    1. 9. transcedental System
                    2. Development aid different Trends
                      1. Science of Complexity
                        1. Information Theory
                          1. Dynamic of systems
                            1. cybernetics
                            2. Systems
                              1. Collect , Connect , Place
                                1. Properties and Features emerge from its elements
                              2. Basic concepts
                                1. Adaptability
                                  1. Environment
                                    1. Harmony
                                      1. Attribute
                                        1. Cybernetics
                                          1. Circuralidad
                                            1. Conglomerate
                                            2. Classification of systems
                                              1. Natural systems
                                                1. Artificial systems
                                                  1. Sistemas Compuestos
                                                  2. Elements of a System
                                                    1. The relationships
                                                      1. The activities
                                                        1. Methods
                                                          1. The procedures
                                                            1. The resources
                                                              1. Sequences
                                                                1. Los Controles
                                                                2. Original objectives
                                                                  1. Develop a terminology for System behavior
                                                                    1. Developing Laws for behavior
                                                                      1. Formalisar Laws
                                                                      2. Study Systems
                                                                        1. systems living
                                                                          1. systems Process
                                                                            1. systems Social
                                                                              1. Dynamical systems
                                                                                1. systems open
                                                                                2. Se Atribuye a Ludwing Von Bertalanfly
                                                                                  1. Philosopher Australian
                                                                                    1. The General Theory systems should Constitute between Natural Sciences and Social
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