Lack of identification by the population towards the territory


Mind Map on Lack of identification by the population towards the territory, created by Filipa Antunes on 17/03/2016.
Filipa Antunes
Mind Map by Filipa Antunes, updated more than 1 year ago
Filipa Antunes
Created by Filipa Antunes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Lack of identification by the population towards the territory
  1. why?
    1. Accessibility to Lisbon
      1. Uncontrolable population growth
        1. Young people
          1. Oil stain growth
            1. "Sleeping city" of Lisbon
          2. lost of tradicional economic activities
            1. Saline
              1. Fishery
              2. Wharf location change
                1. Detachment towards community/public spaces
                  1. Local commerse
                    1. Low open spaces at restaurants/coffeeshops
                      1. New shopping mall
                      2. Neatness/Degradation public spaces
                        1. Gardens
                          1. Playgrounds
                      3. Who?
                        1. Population
                          1. Municipality
                            1. Transports
                              1. Transtejo
                              2. Local commerce
                              3. where?
                                1. Montijo municipality (West zone)
                                  1. União de freguesias do Montijo e Afonsoeiro
                                    1. Waterfront
                                      1. Historic Center
                                        1. Seixalinho Wharf
                                          1. Peripheral zone (housing)
                                      2. When?
                                        1. 1998 - Vasco da Gama bridge
                                          1. 2002 - Seixalinho wharf
                                            1. 2003 - Forúm Montijo mall
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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