
mapa conceptual es para crear conceptos breves.
susana garcia
Mind Map by susana garcia, updated 3 months ago More Less
Bertha Castillo
Created by Bertha Castillo over 9 years ago
susana garcia
Copied by susana garcia 3 months ago

Resource summary

    1. Activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
        1. Success business
          1. Help you to determine the unique characteristics of your brand and utilize them to create a brand voice.
            1. Measure the success
              1. with
                1. Impressions
                  1. Pageviews
                    1. Website traffic
                      1. Return on Investment
                        1. Return on Ad Spend
                          1. Customer Lifetime Value
                      2. Effective impact
                        1. Drive sales
                          1. Increase market share
                            1. Trust with customers
                    2. Chanels and Platforms
                      1. Online
                        1. Social media
                          1. Email
                            1. Organic search
                              1. Digital advertising
                                1. Influencers
                                  1. Podcasts
                                    1. Digital technologies impact by
                                      1. Improving the abilities of market analytics
                                        1. channel management
                                          1. Pricing
                                        2. Offline
                                          1. Print media
                                            1. Direct mail campaigns
                                              1. Billboards
                                                1. Flyers
                                                  1. Physical storefronts
                                                    1. Brochures
                                                      1. Events
                                                    2. COMPONENTS
                                                      1. Product
                                                        1. The good or service.
                                                        2. Price
                                                          1. The cost of a product or service.
                                                          2. Place
                                                            1. Where you sell your product.
                                                            2. Promotion
                                                              1. How you advertise.
                                                              2. Market research
                                                                1. Provides relevant information to decision making.
                                                                  1. Helps to identify
                                                                    1. Potential target audience
                                                                      1. What they're searching for.
                                                                        1. What they're buying.
                                                                          1. It will help you to
                                                                            1. Focus your marketing efforts, so you're not wasting time and resources on unlikely customers.
                                                                    2. Ethical decisions
                                                                      1. Enhance an organization's reputation with both its employees and the community.
                                                                        1. Ethical practices
                                                                          1. Example
                                                                            1. Transparency
                                                                              1. Sustainability
                                                                                1. Customer Data protection
                                                                              2. Unethical practices
                                                                                1. Example
                                                                                  1. False claims
                                                                                    1. False advertising
                                                                                      1. False information
                                                                                        1. Privacy invasion
                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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