Agenda de Innovación


Arquitectura computacional
Gerardo Carmona
Mind Map by Gerardo Carmona, updated more than 1 year ago
Gerardo Carmona
Created by Gerardo Carmona about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Agenda de Innovación
  1. Vision and objectives
    1. Vision: In 2030, Jalisco will be an Innovation reference in Mexico of his local industries areas, with a culture of creativity and technological and innovative enterprenuship
      1. Objectives: Create and atract talented people, Scientific-technological infraestructure, vinculation of innovative systems, enterprenuship, give more relevance to micro, small and medium size bussiness
        1. To acomplish this objectives 4 mayor projects
          1. Centro de Innovacion para el Aceleramiento del Desarrollo Económico (CIADE)
            1. More scientific centers
              1. Tecnification of industrial sector
                1. A major vinculation
            2. Three leves of hierarchy
              1. Management Committee
                1. In charge of taking decisions and track agendas progress
                  1. Represented by government departments
                  2. Advisory Group
                    1. They give advise to the management committee
                      1. Conformed of representatives of different schools
                      2. Representatives of each sector
                        1. Objective is to define strategies according to each sector, and select representative projects of the Agenda
                          1. Represented majority by local business.
                        2. How was made
                          1. It was inspired by previous works
                            1. Ley de Fortalecimiento a la Ciencia, la Tecnología e Innovación del Estado de Jalisco (LFCYJAL)
                              1. Plan Estatal de Desarrollo Jalisco (PED)
                                1. Programa Sectorial de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología
                                  1. Other documents of interest.
                                  2. Strategic projects
                                    1. Centro México en Innovación y Diseño (MIND)
                                      1. Ciudad Creativa Digital (CCD)
                                    2. Major economic areas
                                      1. Agrofood
                                        1. Logistics
                                          1. Automotriz
                                            1. Fashion
                                              1. Health and pharmaceutic
                                                1. ITC
                                                  1. Turism
                                                    1. Electronics
                                                      1. biotechnology
                                                      2. Transverse projects
                                                        1. Centro de Innovación para el Aceleramiento del Desarrollo Tecnológico (CIADE)
                                                          1. Entrepreneurship based on niches of high level impact
                                                            1. Accelerator process with the support of living labs
                                                              1. Innovation based on science and technology development
                                                                1. Objective is to generate technological side business focused on IoT
                                                                2. Bring more research centers
                                                                  1. Technification of industrial sectors
                                                                    1. Strong link between academia and government
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                    Infografía: Los seis (6) principios de la estrategia del océano azul. Proyecto de innovación.
                                                                    Blanca López
                                                                    FLIPPED CLASSROOM (aula invertida)
                                                                    VIRGINIA GARCÍA BAENA
                                                                    Gestión Tecnologica
                                                                    Alejandro Sierra
                                                                    Innovación tecnológica
                                                                    Junior Claros
                                                                    Design Thinking
                                                                    Ricardo Perez5487
                                                                    Perfil del campeón de innovación
                                                                    Dany Mayerly Cabrera Bonilla
                                                                    Gestión de la Innovación y la Tecnología.
                                                                    Daniel Mazo
                                                                    Colombia Construye y Siembra Futuro
                                                                    Andrea Blanco
                                                                    CAMINO DE STEVE JOBS
                                                                    Alejandra Hasbleidy SANCHEZ MOLINA
                                                                    FLIPPED CLASSROOM
                                                                    Elena Serrano del Moral
                                                                    LIDERAZGO, PENSAMIENTO CREATIVO E INNOVADOR
                                                                    PAOLA ROJAS