Negative prefixes


Este mapa mental explica el uso de seis prefijos negativos en inglés.
Fabián García Go
Mind Map by Fabián García Go, updated more than 1 year ago
Fabián García Go
Created by Fabián García Go about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Negative prefixes
  1. un-
    1. Changes the meaning of a word to the negative form.
      1. examples
        1. unhappy, unpaid, unknown, unpleasant
    2. dis-
      1. Changes the meaning of a word to the negative form
        1. examples
          1. disagree, dislike, discover, dissatisfied
      2. im-
        1. Changes the meaning of a word to the negative form.
          1. examples
            1. impossible, imperfect, impatient, immature
        2. in-
          1. Changes the meaning of a word to the negative form.
            1. examples
              1. incapable, incorrect, inexistent, inefficiency
          2. ir-
            1. Changes the meaning of a word to the negative form.
              1. examples
                1. irresponsible, irreversible, irresistible
            2. il-
              1. Changes the meaning of a word to the negative form.
                1. examples
                  1. illogical, illegal, illiterate
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