More Evidence for Coming Black Hole Collision


Es una noticia de una colisión súpermasiva de agujeros negros.
Jorge Padilla1807
Mind Map by Jorge Padilla1807, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Padilla1807
Created by Jorge Padilla1807 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

More Evidence for Coming Black Hole Collision
  1. The apocalypse is still on, apparently,at least in a galaxy about 3.5 billion light-years from here.
    1. Astronomers reported that two supermassive black holes appeared to be spiraling together toward a cataclysmic collision.
      1. The astronomers calculated, could releas0e as much energy as 100 million supernova explosions, mostly in the form of violent ripples in space-time known.
        1. Zoltan Haiman and David Schiminovich propose that most of the light from the quasar is coming from a vast disk of gas surrounding the smaller of the two black holes.
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