Historical Evolution of the Struggle for Rights


Natalia Novillo
Mind Map by Natalia Novillo, updated more than 1 year ago
Natalia Novillo
Created by Natalia Novillo about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Historical Evolution of the Struggle for Rights
  1. Slavery
    1. It was the model that determined who had power and only those considered powerful had rights.
      1. However, there were places where the situation of slaves, who were seen as objects, could be reversed.
      2. Cyrus the Great
        1. He was the king of the Empire of Aquémida of Persia in the year 539 BC. C
          1. He issued a document called "Cilindro of Ciro" where he expressed himself against slavery.
            1. Centuries later in the same Arab world (year 590 d. C.) the Pact of the Virtuous was reached between the tribes, to protect the oppressed and help them face the unjust..
            2. The English nobles
              1. In the year 1215, in England, they limited the powers of the king in the Magna Carta, and managed to participate in politics.
                1. Other demands were the separation of the State and Church, the right to possess property, protection against overcharging of taxes, and the right of widows to remarry.
                2. Other contributions
                  1. 1628
                    1. Request that protected the personal rights of the citizen and its patrimonies.
                    2. 1679
                      1. Right to habeas corpus, which prohibited disorderly judicial detentions.
                      2. 1689
                        1. Declaration of rights that consecrated the previous.
                        2. 1632-1704
                          1. John Locke, exponent of liberalism, proposed that the sovereignty emanated from the people and that the State should protect the rights of citizens.
                        3. In America
                          1. The independence of the thirteen colonies of North America in 1776 was constituted as another advance in the proclamation of rights.
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