World Cinema


my map
deya lerzundi rivera
Mind Map by deya lerzundi rivera, updated more than 1 year ago
deya lerzundi rivera
Created by deya lerzundi rivera almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

World Cinema
  1. a horror film
    1. The exorcist
      1. actress
        1. Linda Blair
    2. musical
      1. The sound of music
        1. Director
          1. stars
            1. Julie Andrews
              1. Christopher Plummer
            2. Robert Wise
        2. a science fiction film
          1. a drama
            1. step up
              1. director
                1. Anne Fletcher
                2. stars
                  1. Jenna Dewan
                    1. Chamming Tatum
              2. a documentary
                1. a romantic film
                  1. romantic comedy
                    1. The wedding ringer
                      1. Director
                        1. Jeremy Garelick
                          1. Stars
                            1. Kevin Hart
                              1. Josh Gad
                                1. Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting
                      2. Titanic
                      3. an action film
                        1. Die hard
                          1. Stars
                            1. Bruce Willis
                              1. Alan Rickman
                            2. Director
                              1. John McTierman
                          2. an animated film
                            1. cartoon film
                              1. Toy Story
                                1. director
                                  1. John Lasseter
                            2. warm film
                              1. The mighty eighth
                              2. western
                                1. Thriller
                                  1. The dark knight rises
                                    1. stars
                                      1. Tom Hardy
                                        1. Anne Hathaway
                                  2. martial arts film
                                    1. Fist of fury
                                      1. actor
                                        1. Bruce Lee
                                    2. silent film
                                      1. the artist
                                        1. Jean Dujardin
                                      2. detective film
                                        1. the detective
                                          1. Frank Sinatra
                                        2. Fantasy
                                          1. The princess bride
                                            1. director
                                              1. stars
                                                1. Cary Elwes
                                                  1. Robin Wright
                                                    1. Mandy Patinkin
                                                    2. Rob Reiner
                                                2. Educational film
                                                  1. Movies
                                                    1. actors
                                                      1. actress
                                                        1. star
                                                      2. audience
                                                        1. director
                                                          1. main actor
                                                            1. scene
                                                              1. script
                                                                1. sequel
                                                                  1. genre
                                                                  2. setting
                                                                  3. subtitles
                                                                    1. language
                                                                    2. cast
                                                                      1. special effects
                                                                        1. lead role
                                                                          1. secondary role
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                                                                        Examen de Bioquímica
                                                                        Roberto Alister
                                                                        Los sensores.
                                                                        ARS NOVA
                                                                        Aprendizaje Basado en problemas PBL
                                                                        JUAN JOSE ROMERO
                                                                        Transportadores de glucosa
                                                                        REGULACION DE LA TEMPERATURA CORPORAL Y FIEBRE
                                                                        camila rodriguez
                                                                        SERIES UNIFORMES O ANUALIDADES
                                                                        Leidy Tenjo
                                                                        Función Si de Excel
                                                                        Carolina Angelomé
                                                                        Modelo EAAP