Problem-Based Learning


The following cmap contains important information about Problem-based Learning
Mind Map by mimigo92, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mimigo92 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Problem-Based Learning
  1. PBL is an approach that challenges students to learn through engagement in a real problem. It is a format that simultaneously develops both problem solving strategies and disciplinary knowledge bases and skills by placing students in the active role of problem-solvers.
    1. Groupwork helps develop learning communities in which students feel comfortable developing new ideas and raising questions about the material.
      1. PBL is characterized by a student-centered approach.
        1. teachers as “facilitators rather than disseminators”
          1. PBL is an effective method for improving students’ problem-solving skills. Students will make strong connections between concepts when they learn facts and skills by actively working with information rather than by passively receiving information.
            1. Steps
              1. Steps two through five may be repeated and reviewed as new information becomes available and redefines the problem.
                1. 1. Explore the issues: The teacher introduces an "ill-structured" problem to the students. Discuss the problem statement and list its significant parts. You may feel that you don't know enough to solve the problem but that is the challenge!
                  1. 2. List "What do we know?" What do you know to solve the problem? This includes both what you actually know and what strengths and capabilities each team member has.
                    1. 3. Develop, and write out, the problem statement in your own words: A problem statement should come from your/the group's analysis of what you know, and what you will need to know to solve it.
                      1. 4. List out possible solutions List them all, then order them from strongest to weakest Choose the best one, or most likely to succeed.
                        1. 5. List actions to be taken with a timeline: What do we have to know and do to solve the problem? How do we rank these possibilities? How do these relate to our list of solutions? Do we agree?
                          1. 6. List "What do we need to know?" Research the knowledge and data that will support your solution You will need to information to fill in missing gaps.
                            1. 7. Write up your solution with its supporting documentation, and submit it. You may need to present your findings and/or recommendations to a group or your classmates.
                              1. 8. Review your performance This debriefing exercise applies both to individuals and the group. Take pride in what you have done well; learn from what you have not done well. Thomas Edison took pride in unsuccessful experiments as part of his journey to successful outcomes!
                                1. 9. Celebrate your work!
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