
Mind Map on THE GRAMMAR TENSES, created by ALo De Landazuri on 09/02/2015.
ALo De Landazuri
Mind Map by ALo De Landazuri, updated more than 1 year ago
ALo De Landazuri
Created by ALo De Landazuri about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. PAST
    1. Past Simple Other verbs
      1. Affirmative Form
        1. Pronuon + verb in past + complement
        2. Negative Form
          1. Pronoun + auxiliar did + not + verb in present + complement
          2. Question Form
            1. Auxiliar did + pronoun + verb in present + complement?
          3. Past Simple Verb to be
            1. Affirmative Form
              1. Pronoun + Verb to be in past + complement
              2. Negative Form
                1. Pronoun + Verb to be in past + not + complement
                2. Question Form
                  1. Verb to be in past + pronoun + complement?
                3. Past Progressive
                  1. Affirmative Form
                    1. Pronoun + verb to be in past + verb "ing" + complement
                    2. Negative Form
                      1. Pronoun + verb to be in past + verb "ing" + complement
                      2. Question Form
                        1. Verb to be in past + pronoun + verb "ing" + complement?
                    3. PRESENT
                      1. Present Simple Verb to be
                        1. Affirmative Form
                          1. Pronoun + verb to be + complement
                          2. Negative Form
                            1. Pronoun + verb to be + Not + Complement
                            2. Question Form
                              1. Pronoun + verb to be + complement ?
                            3. Present Simple Other verbs
                              1. Affirmative Form
                                1. Pronoun + verb in present + complement
                                2. Negative Form
                                  1. Pronoun + auxiliar do or does + not + verb in present + complement
                                  2. Question Form
                                    1. Auxiliar do or does + pronoun + verb in present + complement?
                                  3. Present Progressive
                                    1. Affirmative Form
                                      1. Pronoun + verb to be + verb "ing" + complement
                                      2. Negative Form
                                        1. Pronoun + verb to be + not + verb "ing" + complement
                                        2. Question Form
                                          1. Verb to be + pronoun + verb "ing" + complement
                                        3. Present Perfect
                                          1. Question Form
                                            1. Auxiliar have or has + pronoun + past participle verb + complement?
                                            2. Negative Form
                                              1. Pronoun + auxiliar verb have or has + not + past participle verb + complement
                                              2. Affirmative Form
                                                1. Pronoun + auxiliar verb have or has + past participle verb + complement
                                            3. FUTURE
                                              1. Future Simple
                                                1. Affirmative Form
                                                  1. Pronoun + will + verb in base form + complement
                                                  2. Negative Form
                                                    1. Pronoun + will + not + verb in base form + complement
                                                    2. Question Form
                                                      1. Will + pronoun + verb in base form + complement?
                                                    3. Future Idiomatic
                                                      1. Affirmative Form
                                                        1. Pronoun + verb to be + going to + verb + complement
                                                        2. Negative Form
                                                          1. Pronoun + verb to be + not + going to + verb + complement
                                                          2. Question Form
                                                            1. Verb to be + pronoun + going to + verb+ complement?
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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