Analysing action research


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Mind Map by LEIDY MARCELA GOMEZ DIOSA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by LEIDY MARCELA GOMEZ DIOSA over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Analysing action research
  1. Introduction
    1. Creation of data: yes
      1. Interpretation of data: no
        1. The idea is achieve a equilibrium individual and collective professional
          1. This chapter shows how Teachers should handle the data collected
            1. This chapter presents strategies and thechniques to analysing data
            2. What is data analysing?
              1. Planning and acting systematic
                1. Observing and reflecting
                  1. Statements are produced based on patterns from the data
                    1. Describing: What
                      1. Show
                      2. Explaning: Why
                        1. Explanations, developing more explicit theories about practice
                        2. Analysing data Interpreting Developing theories
                          1. Informed applications of classroom practice into play
                            1. It is a self reflective process
                            2. When should data be analysed?
                              1. Collecting data and analysis process are dynamic,fluid and integral.
                                1. Reflexivity
                                  1. Interrelated and recycle into each other
                                    1. Collection,action and analysis
                                      1. Data collection give us Hypotheses
                                      2. Data collecting,hypothesising,retesting hypotheses,reinterpreting and acting.
                                    2. Time to collect data depends on nature and purpose of the research
                                      1. Those are techniques to data analysis: identifying patterns,categories or themes and making connections
                                      2. Processes of analysis
                                        1. It occurs over entire investigation
                                          1. Data provides the evidence for the statements
                                          2. Stage 1.Assembling the data. Rereading,compared and contrasted
                                            1. Stage 2. Coding the data. Identify data
                                              1. Stage 3. Comparing the data. Describe and display the data
                                                1. Stage 4. Building interpretations. pose questions,rethink the connections, develop explanations, and discussing data patterns with the research group
                                                  1. Stage 5. Reporting the outcomes major process of the research, otcomes should be supported with examples from the data.
                                                  2. Validity and action research
                                                    1. Criterion for evaluating
                                                      1. Rigour and credibility
                                                      2. Internal -External
                                                        1. validity criteria
                                                          1. Democratic validity
                                                            1. Outcome validity
                                                              1. Process validity
                                                                1. Catalytic validity
                                                                  1. Dialogic validity
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