Lei 12.846/2013 - Art. 29


Concursos Públicos Lei 12.846/2013 Mind Map on Lei 12.846/2013 - Art. 29, created by Clécio Anderson de Lima Ferreira on 12/01/2018.
Clécio Anderson  de Lima Ferreira
Mind Map by Clécio Anderson de Lima Ferreira, updated more than 1 year ago
Clécio Anderson  de Lima Ferreira
Created by Clécio Anderson de Lima Ferreira about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Lei 12.846/2013 - Art. 29
  1. 1 - N Exc
    1. 2 - Competencia julgamento
      1. 3 - Cade/MP/MF
        1. 4 - Infr. Ord. Econ.
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