Stages of Cubism


Five stages of cubism, their styles and influences
Sophie  Brokenshire
Flowchart by Sophie Brokenshire, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie  Brokenshire
Created by Sophie Brokenshire over 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • STAGE ONE Early and Analytic Cubism 
  • Stages of Cubism 
  • Influenced by a desire to portray a 3D object on a 2D surface. Break away from the use of illusory space based on atmospheric perspective of the Renaissance.  Wanted to preserve the integrity of flat picture plane.  Reorganised pictorial form and space Interconnecting cuboid facets  Influenced by: Primitivism Picasso: Iberian and African art for they presented 'rawness and vigour"  
  • STAGE TWO Facet Cubism- wood
  • Important works  Portrait of Gertrude Stein, Picasso, 1905 Les Desmoiselles d'Avignon, Picasso, 1907 Grande Nu, Braque, 1907-8
  • Looks carved on the surface Figures move forward- cool background tones and warm foreground tones Hatching used to create facets and show direction Continuation of African influence- mask like faces, striations, 'carved plane' Multiple viewpoints Space looks more solid- figure and space more integrated.   Diagonal brushstrokes- different ways
  • Important works  Nude with Draperies, Picasso, 1907 Harbour in Nomandy, Braque Woman with a Fan, Picasso, 1908  
  • STAGE THREE Facet Cubism- glass
  • Development of simultaneity and an analytical style  Trees and natural forms no longer included  Colour further restricted because it was too difficult to incorporate When included- sky is faceted Cezannian neutral palette Conceptual rather than visible reality- inspire the abstract expressionists Forms reduced to simple shapes
  • Important works  Reservoir at Horta, Picasso, 1909 Houses L'Estaque, 1908    
  • STAGE FOUR Analytical Cubism
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