Electricity and waves


GCSE Physics Flashcards on Electricity and waves, created by Jawad Karim on 20/05/2014.
Jawad Karim
Flashcards by Jawad Karim, updated more than 1 year ago
Jawad Karim
Created by Jawad Karim over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nuclear reactors are supplied with... uranium and plutonium
Non renewable energy sources will... run out
Renewable energy sources include solar wind water biofuels
energy sources are burned to... heat water which creates steam and so turn turbines which create electricity by spinning generators
wind power is created by... placing turbines in the countryside and the wind turning the blades and turning turbines
one good and one bad thing about solar power G: No environmental damage. B: Quite expensive at the start.
one good and one bad thing about hydroelectric power G:No pollution B:Drains flood land underneath it and causes loss of species and habitats
Biofuels do not release as much ... CO2
biofuel is normally converted into... ethanol.
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