Created by kirstywirsty
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
Power and Authority contradict one another, yet there is an indissoluble link between them. Name 4 of each | Power constraint force subordination dependence Authority consent morality will autonomy |
How did April Carter describe Authority within a Liberal Democracy | Authority rarely exists in its pure form. Even a constitutional government acting with great liberalism, would still lack pure authority, since such government relies ultimately upon coercion (1979) |
How does Barbara Goodwin explain Power and Authority? | The attempt to distinguish rigorously between power and authority is doomed to failure. In any normal political situation, and in every state institution, the co exist and support each other. (1997) |
What does Marx describe Power and Authority? | Under Capitalism' the dull compulsion of economic relations' subordinates the labourer to capitalism (1970) |
Name some social examples of Authority which excludes power | Parent and child Teacher and student Doctor and patient Landlord and tennant |
How does J.S Mill the physical force of the state? | The moral coercion of public opinion(1974) |
Explain positive power | A power to.... a power to do things by the discovery of our own strength..... A capacity |
Explain Negative Power | A power over A domination An ability to get you to do things that you wouldn't normally do. |
Is positive or negative power a form of Liberalism? | Negative. People who exercise power can or should be punished when they exercise power in ways which harms others |
Explain Lukes version of three dimensional Power | one dimension = power as decision making Two dimension = beyond decision making, issues are excluded from the agenda and people feel that their interests are not being met Three dimensions = people express preferences that differ from their interests yet they support a system through a false consiousness |
Regarding power and authority, all relationships involve what? | Constraints (power) Entitlements (authority) |
What threatens power and authority? | Force |
How did Max Weber define the state? | an institution claiming a monopoly of legitimate force |
Explain coercion in relation to power | you have a choice yet the power exercised involved threat or credible force |
Give a definition of Power | Power involves dominating someone or some group. telling them what to do. A person has to be pressured into complying with power |
Give a definition of Authority | Authority is concerned with the rightness of an action. A person will obey Authority a voluntary way. |
What did Jean -Jacques Rousseau say about power and authority? | On the one hand, might can never be transformed into right, since force is a physical power, I do not see how its effects could produce morality(1968) |
How does Jean- Jacques Rousseau describe the social contract? | People must obey the law. The social contract would be worthless unless it could ensure that those who refuse to abide by the general will must be constrained to do so. Dissenters must, be forced to be free. (1968) |
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