Drama Terms


Flashcards on Drama Terms, created by saminc4 on 12/05/2014.
Flashcards by saminc4, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by saminc4 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Drama story written to be performed for live audience (script/stage production)
Stage Directions words that explain how actors should look, move, behave, and sound. Usually in [ ], ( ), or Italics
Scenery physical look and function of the stage
Props objects used to help show the setting, advance the plot, provide sound effects...often symbolic
Acts major divisions of a drama (I, II, III, IV, V)
Scenes minor division of a drama (i, ii, iii, iv, v)
Dialogue conversation between actors (two +)
Monologue a long speech given by one actor as a part of dialogue
Prologue an introductory speech given by one actor alone on stage
Soliloquy a long speech expressing thoughts/feelings given by one actor alone on stage
Aside one actor speaks to another quietly so others don’t hear (inside joke, comment, or secret) OR an actor speaks directly to the audience...either way actor(s) are right at the edge of the stage
Apostrophe the direct address of someone or something that is not present. Used to express deep emotions. Begins with “O.”
Pun a play on words based on homonyms or word meanings
Oxymoron a contradictory combination of words (ex. bittersweet, jumbo shrimp, Icy Hot)
Playwright a writer of plays
Comedy a play that has a happy ending (usually marriage) after a series of misunderstandings, deceptions, and concealed identities
Tragedy a play that has a sad ending for the main character (and others). The ending is partially brought about by the character’s tragic flaw.
Tragic Flaw a weakness of character; an excess of an otherwise positive trait (ex. pride, anger, love)
Comic Relief a brief interruption during a serious scene to alleviate yet intensify the seriousness of the story
Sonnet a 14 lined poem * Shakespearean Sonnet: 3 Quatrains (4 lined stanzas) 1 Couplet (2 lined stanza) * Rhyme Scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg * Written in Iambic Pentameter (beat/tempo)
Iambic Pentameter 10 syllables per line (5 stressed)
Blank Verse unrhymed iambic pentameter (most of Shakespeare’s plays; some parts in prose)
Assonance repetition of vowel sounds within words in the same line
Consonance repetition of consonant sounds within or at the ends of words in the same line
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