Biology Revision Year 8


Mainly For Students at AGS For their End of Year Exams
Dragonlord X
Flashcards by Dragonlord X, updated more than 1 year ago
Dragonlord X
Created by Dragonlord X over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 7 life processes Movement,Respiration,Sensitivity,Growth,Reproduction,Excretion,Nutrition
What are harmful microbes called Pathogens
Which of the 7 life processes can a virus NOT do Respiration,Sensitivity,Excretion,Nutrition,Growth
Which microbe invades your cells by making millions of copies of themselves Virus
Which microbe grows longer and releases poison in your cells. This cell also makes antibiotics,bread,wine and beer Fungi
Which microbe multiplies quickly and releases poisons which attack your cells. This microbe is also used to make yogurt. Bacteria
How do Bacteria Reproduce Bacteria reproduce asexually using Binary Fissirn
Name the 4 phases in order LAG phrase, LOG phrase, Stationary phase and Death phase
Why does the Stationary phase stay the same and not go up or down Because Death Rate = Birth Rate
Name 6 ways of preserving food Freezing,Pickling,Salting and jams,Fermentation, Smoking and Canning
What is Pasteurisation? A process that kills microbes(mainly bacteria). It is not intended to kill all micro organisms in food but to REDUCE the amount of pathogens to prevent disease
What are the symptoms for the Ebola disease Fever,Muscle aching,Vomiting,Very bad diarrhoea, a rash and bleeding inside and outside the body
How is Ebola Spread By Touch
Name all the first lines of defence for your body Earwax,Nasal hair and mucus,Tears, Cilia lining, Stomach, Platelets( these help form a clot when you cut your skin) and Skin
What is the second line of defence and what does it do Phagocytes. It engulfs the microbe (it releases enzymes on the microbe after engulfed)
What is the third line of defence and what does it do Lymphocytes. Have a very large nucleus. Each different microbe has chemicals on its surface called antigens. These antigens are like a bar code identifying which type of disease the microbe will cause. Each Lymphocyte produces one type of antibody on its surface. These antibodies can be released into the blood and fit one particular antigen just like a lock and key. These antibodies stick the pathogens together and then phagocytes come and destroy the them.
After we are immune to a disease what is that particular lymphocyte now called A memory cell
What does immunity mean Having Antibodies for a particular disease
What is the difference between Artificial and Natural Immunity Natural immunity is not induced but Artificial immunity is induced
What is the difference between Passive and Active immunity Passive immunity is temporary Active immunity is permanent
What are the seven nutrients? Water,Fibre,Protein,Fat,Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals
Name a Food for each of the 7 nutrients Carbohydrates: Rice Water: Water Fibre: Peas Beetroot: Vitamins and minerals Fat: Donuts Protein: Eggs
How do you test for Protein Half a pipet of food you think has protein and place it in a test tube. Then add an equal amount (to the food in test tube) of biuret raegent. If protein is present the biuret will change from a blue colour to a purple colour
How do you test for starch Add 2 drops of food you think has starch into test tube. Then add 3 drops of Iodine Solution. If Starch is present iodine will go from a yellow/brown to a blue/black.
How do you test for Sugar Add half a pipet of food you think has sugar in into a test tube. Then add an equal amount of BENEDICT'S solution. Now put the test tube into a water bath (70-80 degrees) for 2 mins. If sugar is present the BENEDICT'S will turn from blue to brick red
How do you test for fat Get a food you think has fat in and place it on a piece of paper. Now rub it. The greasier the paper gets, the more fat there is in the food.
What is Digestion The chemical breakdown of large,insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble ones that can be absorbed into the blood stream.
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