Lesson 12 Use Hidden Items, Shortcuts, and File Archives


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on Lesson 12 Use Hidden Items, Shortcuts, and File Archives, created by Deleted user on 24/04/2017.
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Jake Mauney
Created by Jake Mauney over 7 years ago
Jake Mauney
Copied by Jake Mauney over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
Why does the Finder hide certain folders at the root of the system volume? The Finder hides traditional UNIX resources from average users because they don’t need access to those items. If users do need access to these UNIX items, they can get to them from Terminal.
What two methods are used to hide items from the Finder? The Finder does not show items with periods at the beginning of their filenames or items with the hidden file flag enabled. Both methods for hiding items can only be managed from the command-line interface.
What does macOS use bundles and packages for? Bundles and packages are used to combine complex items into individual folders. Packages have the additional advantage of appearing as a single item in the Finder. This allows software developers to combine resources into a single item and prevents users from seeing and potentially damaging those resources by deleting or moving files.
How does an alias differ from a symbolic link? Both aliases and symbolic links act as a shortcut to an original item. However, an alias contains additional information that allows the system to keep track of the original item should it be renamed or moved within the same volume. In contrast, any change to an original item breaks a symbolic link.
Why would you use an archive file instead of a disk image? Why would you use a disk image instead of an archive file? Archive files are much simpler to create in the Finder and are compatible with third-party operating systems. Disk images are more difficult to create and manage but offer greater flexibility. Primarily, disk images can be easily modified and converted. However, macOS style disk images are not compatible with third-party operating systems
What type of file is created by the Finder when you select the Archive option? The Archive option in the Finder creates compressed zip archive files.
What action on macOS is set as the default for opening ZIP archive files? By default on macOS, double-clicking a zip archive causes the system to expand the contents of the zip archive next to the same location as the original zip archive.
Which macOS application is responsible for the creation and management of disk images? Disk Utility is the primary application for creating and managing disk images.
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