Religion and Medical Ethics


Flashcards on Religion and Medical Ethics, created by Millie Stephen on 07/05/2014.
Millie Stephen
Flashcards by Millie Stephen, updated more than 1 year ago
Millie Stephen
Created by Millie Stephen over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abortion The deliberate expulsion and termination of a foetus
Miscarriage When a pregnancy ends early due to natural causes
Sanctity of life The belief that human life is special and holy
Cloning Making an identical copy
Euthanasia 'A gentle or easy death' - when someone is killed to ease their pain
Sin Sin An act that goes against God's will
Suffering Physical or mental pain or distress
Dominion The Christian belief that humans were given authority over nature by God
Stewardship The Christian belief that humans have been given responsibility for looking after Nature by God
Euthanasia laws Euthanasia is illegal in the United Kingdom but it was legalised in certain circumstances in the Netherlands in 2002 and assisted suicide was legalised in the State of Oregon (USA) in 1997.
voluntary euthanasia the person concerned asks someone to help them die, perhaps by asking for help to take an overdose of painkillers
involuntary euthanasia euthanasia is carried out without the patient’s consent, for example, if they are in a persistent vegetative state and no longer able to live without a lifesupport machine, which is then switched off
The bible also teaches that life is sacred, bible quote to prove this Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Bible quote for abortion and euthanasia You shall not murder.
What church opposes euthanasia and abortion? Roman Catholic
Roman Catholics disagree with abortion and euthanasia because the pope said it is 'a grave violation of the law of God'.
An argument against abortion Sanctity of life, bible says we were created in the image of god and given the gift of life so cant interfere with when life ends
Argument for abortion A woman can do what she wants with her body. The baby may kill the woman. There are health issues i.e the baby will die
Christian views on fertility treatment Most Christians think its ok because children are a blessing from god as long as the sanctity of marriage is not broken. RC think bad because not natural. All against cloning as it is playing god and no one is unique
Bible quote against euthanasia "your body is a temple of the holy spirit.
Christian attitudes to euthanasia Many disagree because life is a gift. RC most strongly oppose. RC dont bury the suicided. Some christians say it is compassionate as it eases suffering.
Christian views to animals They have no souls. Become below people. Made for us to use.
Christian views on how we should treat animals Christians, with kindness, can be used to benefit mankind as long as no suffering. RC animals can be experimented on as long as it benefits humans
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