Conservatism Flashcards


Flashcards for conservatism in AQA ideologies A2
Angelica Tsapparelli
Flashcards by Angelica Tsapparelli, updated more than 1 year ago
Angelica Tsapparelli
Created by Angelica Tsapparelli almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Personal traits of conservatives Less control over the individual Don't like fixed political doctrines Wants the status quo to be maintained Want to maintain tradition Look to past as a guide not fixed principles for the future Want the individual to flourish in terms of pursuing goals & achieving fulfillment Good social order & security over freedom, rights & equality Reactionary
Some constants through the reactions Nationalism Opposition to rigid ideology Respect for traditions Paternalistic view of democracy
Core values of conservatism Individualistic - people should take responsibility for their actions Organic society - people have positions in society, everyone integrates & has obligations in the community Human nature - believe humans are flawed Order & Hierarchy - Essential to continuation of society must be structure & leadership Tradition - beliefs, institutions & customs Inequality - acceptance that while this has negative connotations it is necessary for society to progress Private property - a way for people to be part of society & to contradict socialism Pragmatism - not completely opposed to change, realisation that there needs to be a working relationship between government & governed
Benjamin Disraeli's neo-feudalism Realised the ruling classes needed better justification for why they were ruling that just tradition so he developed the idea of neo-feudalism, to get back to the old feudal ways of running the country Working class were producers & couldn't be expected to exercise power directly Middle/capitalist class were the money makers & couldn't be expected to exercise power due to self interest Upper class must now justify it's role Popular with traditional conservatives up to 1960s
Edmund Burke's theory The father of English conservatism Argued ruling classes should have a large role to play in politics because: - They don't work so they have time & money meaning there is no element of self interest - Their ancestors had ruled so there's an accumulation of knowledge - Ruling class seen as superior & best people to rule dispassionately / rationally for the common good, this notion became known as "paternalism"
Britain & conservatism 19th-20th centuries By end of 19th century conservative party was aligned with business interests but still had support from lower classes due to the idea of "one-nation" & of the upper classes being more paternalistic 20th century the muddle class seen as conservative as they owned private enterprise & relied on the maintenance of the status quo Usually manifested in the economy - conservatives want free market capitalism & low taxation, socialists want greater state intervention 1970s saw a breakdown of the class system which required a new type of conservatism - New Right Cosnervatism
New Right summary
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