OMAM Quotations


GCSE English Flashcards on OMAM Quotations, created by molldawg on 11/05/2013.
Flashcards by molldawg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by molldawg over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
'Get um Lennie, don't let him do it' George has parental control over Lennie He has a lot of responsibility over Lennie's actions
'We got a future' -The Amercian Dream -They want more in life
'I could live so easy' Shows a different side to G+L's friendship
'Hide in the brush till I come for you' -Shows that George knows what Lennie can do, with his strength. -Always expects the worse things to happen
'We got eachother' -Shows companionship -Even at the end when George kills Lennie
'Smiled hopelessly in an attempt to make friends' Doesn't understand prejudice and discrimination - to do with Crooks
'Don't go yellin' he said, and he shook her' Shows Lennie's innocence But also shows the violent side to Lennie He doesn't want bad things to happen to him and George.
'I done another bad thing' Shows that the list of bad things is endless and that its normal for Lennie to be causing bad things for him and George.
'Lets fo it now. Le's get that place now' (Links to)George making Lennie think about his dream before he kills him, so Lennie can see his dream 'till the end'.
'I can see lennie aint a bit mean' Slim Shows Slim is understanding about other characters.
'You hadda George, I swear you hadda' Slim He knows that George needs comforting after killing his best friend Shows reassurance and friendship
'Maybe you better stay here with you wife' Slim -Always knows whats best -Good at suggesting -Knows what Curleys like with revenge.
'I think you got your han' caught in a machine' Slim -shows his power over other characters -doesn't want fights -Is good in bad situations
'I ought to of shot that dog myself' Candy -Shows responsibility over his dog Theme of friendship and lonliness
'Tell ya what Lennie, I been figuring out those rabbits' Candy Candy shares the 'American Dream' with George and Lennie shows friendship (theme)
'Think I don't like to talk to somebody' Curleys wife shows a softer side to her but still flirty she has a lonely exsistance theme of lonliness
'I coulda made something of myself' Curleys wife shows her dream of wanting to be a movie star
'They play cards in there. but I cant play because i'm black.' Crooks Theme of racism shows the other ranch members aren't very nice to him
'You go on get outta my room' Crooks Doesn't understand that Lennie doesn't understand how Crooks is treated differently because of his race.
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