Is it Fair? Key Words


GCSE Ethics (Is it Fair?) Flashcards on Is it Fair? Key Words, created by Sudhanshu Raut
Sudhanshu Raut
Flashcards by Sudhanshu Raut, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by BethSHeartbeat almost 11 years ago
Sudhanshu Raut
Copied by Sudhanshu Raut almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Authority Right or power over others. It may be a person such as a priest, a set of laws, or teachings from a sacred text.
Discrimination Treating people differently because of their race, gender, religion or class.
Equality Being treated the same. Many religious believers would say all people are equal in God's eyes.
Identity The personality and character of an individual. Each person has their own identity and is unique.
Injustice Withholding someone's human rights, for example imprisonment without a fair trial.
Prejudice When a person is judged without any evidence. All religious traditions agree that people should treat others as they wish to be treated.
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