Vanessas Geography Flashcards


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Vanessa Brooks
Flashcards by Vanessa Brooks, updated more than 1 year ago
Vanessa Brooks
Created by Vanessa Brooks over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Geography Mapping
What is human geography? Where and how people live
What is physical geography? Natural features and events such as landforms and whether
What is environmental geography? The relationship between the physical and human environment
What is a continent? One of 7 large land masses
What is a ocean? A large mass of water
What is the equator? an imaginary line that is in the middle between north and south poles
What is longitude lines? How far east or west a place is from the equator
What is Latitude lines? How far north or south a place is from the equator
What is the Greenwich Meridian/ Prime Meridian? 0 degrees longitude
What is the hemisphere? A half of the earth
What are the coordinates of the Artic Circle? 66,34 N of the equator
What are the coordinates of the Tropic of Cancer? 23,26 N
What are the coordinates of the Equator? 0 degrees
What are the coordinates of the Tropic of Capricorn? 23,26 S
What are the coordinates of the Antarctic Circle? 66,34 S
Name the seven continents of the earth Asia Europe Africa Antartica North America South America Oceania/Australasia
What is the continent with the largest land area? Asia
What is the second largest continent? Africa
What is the smallest continent? Australasia/Oceania
Where is the coldest recorded temperature? Antartica
Where is the hottest recorded temperature? Africa
Where is the highest point on earth? Mount Everest (Asia)
Where is the lowest point on earth? Antartica
Which continent has the most counties? Africa 53 countries
Which continent has no countries? Antartica
Name the four hemispheres? Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere
What are the 5 most important parts of a map? Scale Key Title Frame Compass
Draw map symbols on white board
What is a scale? The link between the distance on a map and its real distance on the ground
What is a compass rose? A compass with all the 4 points and the half way marks
What is northing? Northing is the Y coordinate the north-ward measured distance
What is easting? Easting is the x coordinate the east -ward measured distance
What is a settlement? A place where people live (and work)
What is a settlement pattern? The shape of the buildings
What is a linear settlement? When a village is assembled in a line next to a road, canal, railway
What is a nucleated settlement? When village lives close together
How do you show hight on a map Spot Height Gradient Contour Lines
Where is the location of cayman? south of cuba, west in the caribbean, north of the equator
what is the physical geography of cayman? hurricanes, and tropical storms come occasionally and destroy the land
what is the human geography of cayman? people live in houses/ apartments and live in built neiborhoods or alone the beach
is the physical and human geography changing all the time? yes
Describe and explain (causes of) changes on cayman, including land use people are destroying our beautiful beaches to build houses and hotels, people are also cutting down trees and habitats to build neiborhoods.
name two countries in the Greater Antilles cuba and cayman islands
name two countries in the Leaward Antilles barbados and trinadad and tobago
name two countries in the windward islands UK virgin islands and Anguilla
name two islands in the lesser Antilles st. martin and st. kitts
what is a positive impact of tourism in cayman? more money
what is a negative impact of tourism in cayman? cruise ships destroying reefs
suggest how tourism in cayman can be more sustainable you could only let a certain amount of people enter cayman at a time
what are the different levels of development in the caribbean? electricity clean water food medical care transport housing
suggest possible reasons for different levels of development loss of money bad facilities loss of education
what does 'sustainable tourism' mean? is to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people
what is meant by fair-trade? to make sure that farmers get paid properly and work in safe non-toxic working environment
describe why fair-trade is important to the caribbean as a means to improve the quality of life because the do something called fair-trade premium, this build things such as schools and medical care for the community which means that kids can get a education ect.
describe the location of coral reefs around the world in the tropicals near the equator.
label a coral polyp
describe and explain the conditions that corals need to grow 5 reasons...
corals need to grow in shallow water, this is because the sun rays are stronger in shallow water
corals need to grow in clear water this is because sediment in cloudy water can settle on the polyp and block sunlight
clean water free from pollutants this is because corals can be harmed or broken off by pieces of rock
saltwater this is because corals need saltwater to survive and require certain balance of salt to water
much sunlight this is because the zooxanthellae need to photosynthesise to give the corals nutrience
name 3 types of coral reefs ...
fringing reef they have.. a shallow lagoon a island
barrier reef they have ... wide deep lagoon island
atoll they have... steep outer shape shallow flat floored lagoon a former island at the bottom
what do coral reefs provide? habitats for fish
they can also provide medicines to treat illnesses and cancer
they also provide they create a huge habitat for fish, turtles and crabs to keep them safe from predators and also make an impact on fishing companies
describe the threats facing coral reefs ...
global warming global warming makes the water too hot and the zooxanthellae stress and leave
global warming 2 global warming also makes the sea level rise which also means that corals can't get enough sunlight
boats boats can wreck coral reefs by hitting them with their anchor
pollution pollution blocks the sunlight from the polyps
how can coral reefs be managed sustainably? we could have rules against litter in the ect.
define a hasard for extreme flooding heavy rain fall
name a human hazard loss of trees
name another human hazard impermeable rock
describe a drainage basin of a river, using key words a area which is drained by a river and its tributaries
describe how rainfall reaches a river it flows down onto steep slopes and into a drainage basin and flows into tributaries and/ or a river
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