Compounds and Using Limestone


Pg48 and 50
Adam Collinge
Flashcards by Adam Collinge, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Collinge
Created by Adam Collinge over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a Covalent Bond? A compound formed from non-metals with each atom sharing an electron with another atom
What is the main compound in Limestone? Calcium Carbonate
How is Limestone sourced? By quarrying
What happens when Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is heated? It Thermally decomposes to make calcium oxide and carbon dioxide
What does Calcium Oxide react with to make Calcium Hydroxide? Water
What is Calcium Hydroxide and what can it be used for? An alkali which can be used to neutralize acidic soil
How is cement made? Limestone is heated in a kiln with powdered clay
How is mortar made? Cement is mixed with sand and water
How is concrete formed? Cement is mixed with sand and aggregate
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