Unit 19 : Value system Questions & sample answers


Communicative English Course : Unit 19
Bill Tam
Flashcards by Bill Tam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bill Tam
Created by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
If you are in the shoes of your employers, how should they put a value on your service to them? My values to any organization I work for are manifold; I am a positive thinker and doer, and I strongly believe in teamwork. I am also a fervent learner and my can-do attitude allows me to be a high-achiever in school and in the workplace.
When your employer is trying to solve a difficult problem, which you have some ideas on how to solve it based on your previous experience, what would you do? I would listen attentively to my employer to understand the nature and details of the problem, and after careful consideration of possible solutions to the problem, I would then recommend my constructive suggestions.
On reflection, who do you think have the biggest impact and influence on your value system? Your parents, friends, teachers or authors of some books that you read? On reflection, I believe the biggest impact on my values and beliefs is the Bible, which I believe contains timeless and unchanging truth about it describes as absolutely good and absolutely evil. My own experience and knowledge led me to believe that the Bible should be read by everyone, who want to understand our world’s culture, religions and languages.
Learning from the human history, who do you think have the most important impact in shaping the values and beliefs of our society and the world we live in today? Based on facts, history, and my knowledge, the Bible which was written by different authors in different locations over few thousand years, and translated into over 2,530 different languages, has the most lasting and continuous impact on Mankind, regardless of age, culture, race, sex or social background. The Bible or different parts of it continues to be read today by of Billions of people, whether Catholics, Christians, Muslims, and scholars; famous Universities like Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford offer Bible study courses. Many believe all authors of the Bible were inspired by God in writing the Scriptures. It took 7 years to translate this ancient Holy book from Greek and Hebrew into English, as commissioned by King James of England.
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