The Cone Gatherers Quotations


Quotations to remember for the critical essay exam.
Flashcards by CuteMarshmallow, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CuteMarshmallow over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Quotation 1 "in an icy sweat of hatred, his gun aimed all the time at the feeble minded hunchback"
Quotation 2 "Since childhood Duror had been repelled by anything living that had imperfection or deformity or lack."
Quotation 3 "Therefor, what Duror heard was a roaring within him, as if that tree of hatred and revulsion was being tossed by a gale."
Quotation 4 "He was like a tree still straight, still showing green leaves; but underground death was creeping along the roots."
Quotation 5 "He felt in the mood for murder, rape or suicide."
Quotation 6 "this sinister transformation, itself an episode from a macabre fairy tale, suddenly in the wood the straight stalwart immaculate ash tree turning nito a squat warty bush swarming with worms."
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