Created by MiniCooper
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
Biased | having or showing bias or prejudice |
Argumentative | fond of argument or dispute |
Flippant | disrespectful,shallow or lacking in seriousness |
Tongue-In-Cheek | cleverly amusing tone, not too serious 'banter' |
Sarcastic | using sarcasm |
Critical | inclined to find fault with or judge with severity often too readily |
Detached | separated, impartial, alone, isolated |
Ironic | using words to convey the meaning as the opposite of its literal meaning |
Cheerful | full of cheer, in good spirits,pleasant, bright |
Formal | in accordance with requirements/customs |
Admiring | to regard with wonder, pleasure or approval, express admiration |
Optimistic | reflecting a favourable view or outcome |
Histrionic | pertaining to acting, deliberately affected or self-conciously emotional, overdramatic |
Positive | stated, expressed, emphatic |
Challenging | testing ability, endurance, challenge, stimulate,thought provoking |
Mischievous | playfully annoying, causing annoyance or trouble |
Persuasive | intended to persuade |
Admonitory | serving to admonish, warning |
Doubtful | uncertain of the outcome or result, unsettled in opinion or belief |
Angry | feeling or showing anger/ strong resentment,wrathful |
Sentimental | expressing tender emotions and feelings, weakly emotional |
Nostalgic | a sentimental or wistful yearning for the happiness felt in a former place,time or situation |
Pleading | the act of a person who pleads * need more context * e.g pleading for forgiveness, asking/begging |
Solemn | grave, serious, earnest, mirthless |
Accusatory | containing an accusation, accusing |
Whimsical | fanciful notions eg a pixyish, whimsical fellow |
Playful | full of fun, jesting, pleasantly humorous |
Objective | something ones actions are intended to accomplish : purpose,goal,target |
Impassioned | filled with intense feeing of passion |
Sceptical | showing doubt |
Awed | filled with or expressing awe |
Anxious | mental distress or unease because of fear, danger or misfortune |
Encouraging | to inspire with courage,spirit or confidence |
Cynical | distrusting the motives of others |
Innocent | free from moral wrong, without sin, guiltless |
Neutral | not taking part in dispute or war, not supporting sides, indefinite : in the middle, cant make a decision |
Threatening | causing alarm,intended to menace, ominous, imminent, sinister |
Emotive | directed towards emotions, pertaining to emotion |
Pathetic | causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness,sorrow |
Cautious | showing, using or characterised by caution |
Scathing | harmful, bitterly severe, enraged, searing |
Melancholy | a gloomy state of mind, especially when prolonged, thoughtfulness, mournful, depressed, sadness |
Tragic | tragedy, melancholy, extremely mournful, disastrous, fatal |
Tolerant | inclined to tolerate, forbearing |
Mocking | to treat with ridicule, contempt or derision to ridicule by mimicry of actions or speech, imitate |
Polite | displaying god manners, refined or cultured, elegant |
Serious | showing deep thought, grave/somber disposition or manner, requiring thought/concentration |
Despairing | indicating dispair |
Enthusiastic | characterised by enthusiasm |
Diplomatic | engaged in diplomacy, tactful, skilled in a certain area |
Bitter | a harsh/acrid taste, hard to bear, distressful, causing pain, piercing, intense hostility ; bitter hatred |
Hostile | characteristic of an enemy, opposed in feeling,action or character, not friendly warm or generous ; not hospitable |
Irate | angry, enraged |
Compassionate | having/showing compassion, granted in an emergency |
Sympathetic | exhibiting or feeling sympathy |
Pessimistic | characterised by pessimism : gloomy |
Melodramatic | overdramatic, exaggerated emotion |
Negative | expressing negation or denial, refusing consent to a proposal |
Empowering | to give power or authority to, to enable or permit |
Humorous | funny,comical |
Defiant | boldly resistant, challenging |
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