Family Key Concepts


Definitions of key terms in the 'family' unit.
Flashcards by n.paul, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by n.paul almost 11 years ago

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identity how we see ourselves and how others see us
social rules parts we play in society; each role has its own social norms which tell us how we should act in that role
family consists of people we are related to by ties of blood, marriage, adoption, civil partnership, or cohabitation - there are many types
socialisation the process of learning how to become a member in society
norms the rules within a culture (e.g. do not kill)
values ideas about what is worthwhile and important in a culture (e.g. human life)
culture the way of life of a group of people; it is learned and shared. the main parts of culture include knowledge, skills, social norms, values and beliefs
functionalist sociologists sociologists who believe that each part of society has roles to fulfil in order that society can survive as a whole
household one person living alone or a group of people who have the same address and share either one meal a day or their living accomodation
nuclear family a two-generation family, consisting of parents and their dependent children (i.e. children under 16, or under 18 in full time education
marriage a legally recognised tie between a husband and a wife
extended family any family larger than a nuclear family - there are different types
matrilocal living with or near to the wife's family
traditional extended family a three-generation matrilocal family in which family members have frequent face-to-face contact
patrilocal living with or near to the husband's family
neolocal the couple set up their own home
cohabitation living together as partners without being married
divorce the legal termination (ending) of marriage, leaving the couple free to remarry
secular society a society that is not ruled by religious beliefs
serial monogamy a person has more than one marriage partner in their lifetime. The main reason for increased serial monogamy is increased divorce rate
boomerang family a family in which non-dependent children return home to live with their parents
lone-parent family a mother or father living without a partner, and their dependent child(ren)
reconstituted family a family in which one or both partners has been married or cohabited before, and has a child or children, creating step-relationships
beanpole family a tall, narrow extended family often containing four (or five) generations
singlehood remaining single; the term 'creative singlehood' refers to remaining single as a positive lifestyle choice
conjugal roles the roles of husbands and wives or couples who are living together as partners
housewife an unpaid role which made wives financially dependent on their husbands
symmetrical family a family in which conjugal roles are similar but not identical
househusband a man with the main responsibility for domestic tasks and childcare, whose partner is the main breadwinner
dark side of the family a situation in which family life damages its members
domestic violence threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, emotional, physical, sexual, or financial) committed by a family member against another
child abuse harm caused to a child or young person under 18 by an adult
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