BIOLOGY Blueprint of Life: FOCUS AREA 2


Doesn't cover every LITTLE thing but most things in most detail.
Blessy V
Flashcards by Blessy V, updated more than 1 year ago
Blessy V
Created by Blessy V about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is genetics? Genetics is the study of heredity (transfer of characteristics from one generation to the next)
Why did Gregor Mendel experiment with garden peas? - They were easy to grow, produced new generations quickly - They had distinguishable characteristics - He could control their breeding patterns
Why was Gregor Mendel's work with garden peas significant? It showed that characteristics were inherited in a definite pattern.
Which 7 pairs of characteristics did Gregor Mendel observe in his study of garden peas? 1) Flower colour 2) Flower position 3) Seed colour 4) Seed shape 5) Pod colour 6) Pod shape 7) Stem length *He observed dominant & recessive characteristics
Before beginning his experiments, Mendel bred out pea plants for each characteristics over several generations. Why did he do this? To obtain pure bred plants. Pure bred plants: plants which if pollinated by themselves would produce an offspring which was an copy of themselves.
How did Mendel conduct his experiment with the pure bred pea plants? He cross pollinated two different types of pure bred pea plants (i.e. tall x dwarf) = P1, resulting in a hybrid offspring (F1) which all had the dominant gene = tall. He then cross pollinated the F1 generation (tall x self) resulting in offspring (F2) which were tall and dwarf in a ratio of 3:1 (recessive gene appeared)
What were Mendel's conclusions on how characteristics are inherited, after his experiment with the pea plants? - He concluded that each characteristic was controlled by a pair of factors in the parents = passed on in the gamete (sex cell). - When gametes formed: factors separate (containing only 1 factor from pair) - During fertilisation: factors unite at random (predictable ratios) - Dominant factor can mask effect of recessive when both are present - Factors are unchanged from generation to generation, even when effect does not appear.
In Mendel's experiment, the experimental ratios were 3:1. Account for this. The ratios were 3:1 because of the random combination of gametes during fertilisation.
What two laws did Mendel develop from his experiments with the garden pea plants? - The Law of Segregation - The Law of Independent Assortment
Explain Mendel's Law of Segregation - There are two factors (genes) which determines each characteristic in an organism - Genes separate during reproduction (during meiosis) = one factor (gene) appears in each gamete. - Factors recombine during fertilisation
Explain Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment - When pairs of factors separate, they do so independently of other pairs of factors + are distributed into gametes independently of other factors. - When two or more characteristics are inherited, individual heredity factors hereditary factors assort independently during gamete production → giving different traits an equal opportunity of occurring together Note: chromosomes (not genes) separate and are distributed independently Law applies in all cases where genes are situated on same chromosomes
Outline reasons why Gregor Mendel was successful, in terms of his experimental techniques. - Pea plants: easily grown, reproduce rapidly (valid and reliable) - He focused on many characteristics rather than one organism (accurate): chose simple characteristics that had two factors (e.g. tall or dwarf) and had a clear dominant and recessive distinction. He also did them one at a time. - Accuracy: he started with pure bred - Reliable: bred many plants so that random chance provided reliable results. - Isolated experiments from each other - Controlled fertilisation process (accuracy)= used hand pollination and sowed seeds himself. - He collected data + recorded (reliable) - Used mathematical analysis to provide quantitive data = easier to understand.
Summarise the 5 reasons why Gregor Mendel was successful in terms of his experimental techniques 1) studied a large number of characteristics 2) Did several crosses 3) Use pure bred plants 4) Quantitative data = easier to understand 5) He studied simple characteristics that occurred in pairs (purple/white colour) - contrast to previous researchers who used whole organisms/plants.
How long did Gregor Mendel collect data for with how many plants and when was Gregor Mendel's work recognised? - He collected data for over 8 years with 30k pea plants. - His work was published in 1866 but was not recognised until 34 years later.
Why was Gregor Mendel's work not recognised until much later, after his publication? - He presented his data to a small group of scientists. - He was a shy person = lacking emphasis - Paper was written in German, not English or French (more common language) + not many people read Brno Association's Records. - He was an amateur, not a reputable scientist and not sponsored. - His methods were considered unconventional. - Prior to this, mathematics had not been used in biology. - Experiments dealt with a new concept and at the time, people believed: inheritance = blend of characteristics.
How was Mendel's work recognised? Three other botanists independently came to the same conclusion which lead to the rediscovery of Mendel's work = verified = recognition = gave rise to new branch of science: "genetics"
What are monohybrid crosses used for? Monohybrid crosses: involves looking at one characteristic only. - Parents: use to determine the possibility of an abnormal child (if the parents are carrying disease) - In animals: used to breed suitable parents to produce offspring with certain desirable characteristics.
What is genotype? Genotype: genetic material - Genetic information which produces the trait in an organism (gene) - Gene: pair of alleles
What is a phenotype? The outward appearance - Genetic information which controls the outward appearance (i.e. dominant) - What comes about from the gene and genotype - Don't need to mention recessive (only what can be seen)
In a phenotype, for each characteristics, at the least--what is the number of factors which control it? 2 factors
When gametes form, a pair of factors (genes) segregate. What does this mean for the factors that will be in the gamete? - This means that there is only ONE factor from each parent in a gamete.
The gene that is passed on is randomly selected during meiosis and is randomly united with one of its _____ during fertilisation to form a ______. The gene that is passed on is randomly selected during meiosis and is randomly united with one of its ALLELES during fertilisation to form a ZYGOTE.
What is a zygote? A fertilised ovum.
In alleles, one allele is ______ over the other which is _______. One allele is DOMINANT over the other which is RECESSIVE.
If both alleles are the same, they form what type of a genotype? - Homozygous genotype (TT, tt)
If both alleles are different, what genotype do they form? - Heterozygous (Tt)
Hence, how does genotype affect phenotype? - The recessive gene in a heterozygous offspring is makes by the dominant gene. In this case, it then affects the phenotype as the offspring will have a tall appearance.
What are genes? A section of DNA coding for proteins that expresses itself as a phenotype for that trait.
Genes occur in ____ pairs.
Where are genes situated? - in homologous chromosome because they code for the same factor
How is each gene expressed in a diagram of a chromosome? In a diagram of a chromosome, each gene can be expressed as a band
How are genes passed on and what do they determine? Genes are passed on from parent to offspring and they determine the inherited characteristics of an individual.
In a sexually reproducing organism, where does the offspring's genes come from? In the offspring of a sexually reproducing organism, half its genes come from one parent and the other half comes from the other. 23 from mother, 23 from father.
In humans, how many chromosomes are there? - 23 pairs homologous chromosomes, except the 23rd pair XY is not completely homologous. The X has more genes.
Two genes code for each factor on every pair of homologous chromosomes EXCEPT for? Except for genes that ONLY exist on X chromosome.
Some genes have several alleles. Why is this? This is because each inherited characteristic is controlled by AT LEAST two genes = and each gene has a PAIR of alleles, therefore if a characteristic is controlled by more than two genes, it will have several alleles.
What is an allele? Alleles are different varieties of a gene. They are an alternative for a particular inheritable characteristic.
Some factors only have 2 genes and 2 varieties (alleles) however, others may have many different varieties = many different genes BUT only 2 can be inherited- one on each homologous chromosome. :)
Where do alleles occur? on the same place as genes ---on homologous chromosomes.
Alleles make us ___ individual.
Provide an example of an allele and a gene/ Eye colour = gene. Alleles for eye colour = brown eyes, blue eyes. - Brown (B) dominant: blue (b) recessive.
Provide another example of a gene and an allele. Blood type = gene. It is controlled by 4 different alleles but only 2 are inherited in one person. Alleles: - AO: code for blood group A, as do alleles AA - BO: blood group B, as do BB - AB: blood group AB OO = blood group O
What are the 3 alleles of the gene of blood type. A, B, O
Explain the genes and alleles in Mendel's experiment. - Pea experiment - Flower colour: gene - Alleles: purple or white.
> explain the relationship between dominant and recessive alleles and phenotype using examples. :P
For every characteristic, there are two alleles present in pairs in body cells. One of the alleles are dominant, the other is recessive. :D
What is phenotype? - the visible outward appearance of a genetic factor (genotype) of an organism. - What the offspring will look like, chemical/behavioural characteristcis.
The dominant and recessive nature of alleles control---> the phenotype of an organism.
Dominant alleles are expressed as _____ phenotype.
Provide an example of a dominant allele expressed as a phenotype. - Mendel's experiment: Tallness (T) is dominant and shortness (t) is recessive, an organism with TT or Tt = tall phenotype.
Recessive alleles are expressed as ___ phenotypes when the organism is homozygous.
Provide an example of a recessive allele in phenotype. Genotype: tt = expressed as a short plant phenotype.
> Perform an investigation to construct pedigrees or family trees, trace the inheritance of selected characteristics and discuss their current use :D
Define a pedigree. Pedigree is a record of the features of family members, shown as a diagram (or a family tree) and it assists in examining or explaining the inheritance of the feature.
How is pedigree used in families? - Scientifically analyse inheritance of genetic traits within families = study heredity patterns in humans and other animals.
How is pedigree used for tracing? - Trace the occurrence of inherited traits in parents and offspring through generations.
How do pedigrees assist humans in medical terms? - pedigrees can be analysed to identify and trace the occurrence of genetic disorders/disease over generations.
How are pedigrees useful in animals? -useful for selecting individuals with desirable traits for breeding
How do pedigrees assist families for the future? - Determine probability that future parents are carriers of a particular defective allele. - Predict likelihood of a family member inheriting a trait or developing a disorder.
What is the limitation of pedigrees in animals? - Only useful when studying animals which do not produce too many offspring (mammals).
What is the limitation of pedigrees in humans? - Usefulness relies on accurate and reliable record kept within families. - If the family is too small or too few members are affected = uncertain conclusions.
How are females and males symbolised in pedigrees? -Female: circle - Male: square.
What is Hybridisation? A process in which two genetically different strains of an organism are crossed to produce an offspring with more desirable characteristics than the parents.
What is this offpsring called? Hybrid
Define hybrid: offspring of two species of the same genus OR two varieties of the same species.
Provide an example of organism of the same genus which are bred into a hybrid offspring. E.g. horse and donkey = mule. - Desirable characteristics: steadier, smarter, but are infertile. E.g. labrador + poodle = labradoodle. - Hybrid does not shed hair (good for people with asthma or allergies) - No body odour (doesn't need constant bathing) - Easily trained.
Describe how farmers attempted this method with crops. - Hybrid plants that are heterozygous for particular alleles are stronger, healthier and more disease resistant than inbred strains of the same species = heterosis or hybrid vigour = used by agriculturalists to improve crop (corn, tomatoes, potatoes).
Explain how corn was bred in a hybrid form: - Method: crossing inbred strains of corns with other, genetically different inbred strains.
As a result, the corn now is: - <1% USA-grown corn was hybrid before but now = all of it is. - Corn is = in greater quantity with less labour due to increased plant size + hardiness.
What happens with the hybrid plants produced from these crosses? - Crossed with others to produce seed for planting.
What is a disadvantage of 'hybrid vigour' ? - Hybrid vigour occurs after F1 generation, therefore, F1 seeds need to be constantly produced to guarantee the quality of the crop.
What is a disease related disadvantage of 'hybrid vigour' - the favourable qualities that plant breeders select (height, seed production, stem length etc) have not always included resistance to particular diseases or other features which may aid its survival.
What are examples of 'hybrid vigour' leading to death of plants due to disease? - 1970: 15% of US corn destroyed by leaf blight (fungal disease) - Irish Potato Famine (1846): a lot of potato crop wiped out by fungal attach
Samples of original plants should be crossed with modern hybrids--why? - to maintain genetic diversity within these particular species. - E.g. strains of wild tomatoes x modern hybrids = plants are more resistant to Fusarium moul + viral diseases
Explain the issue with Australian produced wheat. - late 1800s, flour produced from Australian grown wheats = too poor for baking bread. - Flour imported from Canada. -Wheat in Australia = old English varieties = ripened too late to survive hot summers = affected by fungal disease.
How did this change? - William Farrer = pioneered Australian wheat research - Hybridisation = used varieties of bread - Prevented self pollination = carried out artificial crosses of wheat varieties.
How was William Farrer successful? - Features = narrow leaves (reduce water loss) = suited to Australian dry conditions. - earlier ripening = suit shorter growing season in Australia - improved baking quality - improved yield (grains per head) - resistance to fungal disease = bunt.
What did William Farrer fail to do? Breed a whet variety which is resistant to another fungal disease called rust.
The end :)
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