Of Mice And Men chapter summaries


brief chapter notes
Flashcards by molls_matthews, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by molls_matthews over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Chapter 1 George and Lennie rest in the clearing by the river whilst on their way to a nearby ranch. They left the last ranch because of Lennie's accident with the woman's dress. Lennie asks George to keep repeating the story about their dream ranch where Lennie can tend the rabbits
Chapter 2 George and Lennie arrive at the rach and meet Candy. The boss shows up and asks them both about their work history. George does the talking and says that they're cousins, he then says that they leave their last job because it was done. The boss asks if George is taking advantage of Lennie, wondering if he wanted to take his pay. They are introduced to Slim who is well respected. Carlson enters and asks Slim about his dog who has given birth to 9 puppies,(he drowns 4) Carlson suggests about shooting Candy's dog.
Chapter 3 George talks to slim and thanks him for the puppy that he gave to Lennie. He tells Slim about Lennie's past and about his Aunt Clara, he also mentions that they grew up together. George says that when he first started hanging around with Lennie he used to play tricks on him because he was so dumb. George tells Slim about what happened in Weed
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