How humans affect the environment


Alex C
Flashcards by Alex C, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex C
Created by Alex C about 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Explain how human population growth has occurred. because the birth rate is greater than the death rate -people not using contraception -vaccines preventing death
Explain why raw materials are rapidly being used up and more waste is being produced. people want and demand a better standard of living
Describe the effects of population growth on land and resources. -producing more industrial waste -reduce land available for animals/plants -waterways with sewage, fertiliser & toxic chemicals -pollute air with gases such as sulfur dioxide
Describe how pesticides and herbicides can pollute the land. herbicides & pesticides are sprayed onto crops then get into the soil & food chain; eventually get washed into water
Describe what happens when water is polluted by fertilisers. fish/marine life killed by chemicals, affecting the food chain drinking water becomes poisonous to drink without filtration
Describe how acid rain is formed. -burning fuels can produce sulfur dioxide -dissolves in water in air, forming acidic solutions -fall as acid rain, sometimes far from source of gas
Describe some of the effects of acid rain on living organisms. -kills organisms -changes soil pH, damaging roots & possibly releasing toxic minerals (e.g. aluminium ions damaging organisms) -affects enzymes, which are sensitive to pH
Define ‘deforestation’ the removal of forests/trees by felling, burning, etc.
Describe ways in which deforestation affects the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. -increased release of CO2 due to burning of trees or decay of wood by microorganisms -reduced rate of photosynthesis so CO2 removed from atmosphere slower
Describe ways in which deforestation affects the methane levels in the atmosphere. increases in cattle and rice fields for food, therefore more methane produced by cattle and growing rice
Describe the impact of deforestation on biodiversity. loss of food and habitats therefore species cannot survive - reduced biodiversity
Explain why the use of peat-free compost should be encouraged. prevents destruction of peat bogs which releases CO2 into atmosphere: peat removed from bogs & used in compost - this is decayed by microorganisms
Describe what is meant by the ‘greenhouse effect’. trapping of infrared radiation from sun as a result of greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2/methane) in Earth's atmosphere maintains surface of Earth at temp. suitable for life
Describe how increasing levels of carbon dioxide and methane contribute to global warming. they trap too much energy in atmosphere, preventing it from reflecting into space, leading to a rise in global temperature
Describe some of the consequences of global warming. -rise in sea levels due to melting of icecaps/glaciers -changes to migration patterns -reduced biodiversity -climate change
Describe how yeast can produce ethanol for fuel. FERMENTATION: -microorganisms respire anaerobically, using sugars from crops as energy source -glucose (produced by maize starch and carbohydrase) and sugar cane juices are fermented by yeast -extracted by distillation
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using ethanol-based fuels. + carbon neutral + reduces greenhouse effect - batch process - slow
Explain how biogas is produced in a generator. -(mainly methane) produced during anaerobic fermentation by bacteria -dung, farm waste & animal rubbish put in -maintained at suitable temperature in O2- free conditions -more methane=better quality biogas
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of given designs of biogas generator. -buried in ground or have insulating jackets -large scale: use waste from factories or sewage works) -small scale: used by a home or farm
Explain why reducing the number of stages in a food chain makes food production more efficient. the shorter the chain, the less energy will be wasted, as energy is lost at each trophic level
Describe ways in which energy losses by animals can be reduced. -preventing animal from moving so energy not wasted on movement -keeping animal in warm shed so not using as much energy to maintain body temp. -fed food high in energy
Explain the need for increased food production. human population is increasing and food resources are at risk of running out
Describe ways in which fish stocks can be maintained. -quota: only remove a strict allocation of fish per year -must use certain size nets to avoid catching small, young fish
Describe the production of mycoprotein. fungus fusarium grown anaerobically on cheap sugar syrup made from waste starch
Features of a fermenter ensure max growth of fusarium: -air supply providing O2 for respiration -stirrers/gas bubbles to keep temp. even & spread out microorganisms -water-cooled jacket around outside to maintain temp. as respiring MOs release energy which heats contents -sensors to monitor pH & temp.
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