Binding energy and fission


A-Level Physics Flashcards on Binding energy and fission, created by leeannereid97 on 21/05/2016.
Flashcards by leeannereid97, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by sammy414 over 10 years ago
Copied by leeannereid97 about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How much mass do free nucleons have compared to nucleons gathered in the nucleus? Free nucleons have more mass
What is this loss in mass changed into? Energy
What is the binding energy? The amount of work needed to seperate a nucleus into its components
What would you have to overcome to deconstruct a nucleus? The nuclear strong force
What happens when a nucleus is formed? The nuclear strong force pulls the nucleons together and so does work
What is the energy released from the nuclear strong force pulling the nucleus together equal to? The binding energy
What must be effected if energy is being released when a nucleus is formed? Mass
What can you find about the mass of the nucleus and the mass of the components of the nucleus? The mass of the components of the nucleus is greater
What is this difference in mass between the nucleus and components called? Mass defect
What is mass defect the mass equivalent of? The binding energy
What does a binding energy graph look like for fusion and fission?
What does a binding energy curve show us? A plot of binding energy per nucleon against number of nucleons in the nucleus
Between sodium and hydrogen what happens to the binding energy? It increases with the number of nucleons
what does this show us? That we can get a lot of energy by combing to small nuclei (Nuclear fusion)
At what point are the nuclei most stable? Where the graph begins to level out
What are the most stable nuclei? Nickel-62 Iron-58 Iron-56
Due to their stability what are these often the most prevalent products of? Supernovae
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