Poetic Terms


English Flashcards on Poetic Terms, created by Litsa Rethimiotakis on 16/04/2016.
Litsa Rethimiotakis
Flashcards by Litsa Rethimiotakis, updated more than 1 year ago
Litsa Rethimiotakis
Created by Litsa Rethimiotakis over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Allusion A reference to another literary work. It can also reference a person, place, or event
Contrast/Juxtaposition Refers to the overlap or mixing of opposite or different situations, characters, settings, moods, or points of view in order to clarify meaning, purpose, or character, or for emphasis
Style The individual manner in which an author expresses his or her thoughts and feelings - Repetition, descriptive language, exaggeration, syntax, punctuation, etc.
Tone The authors attitude towards his/her subject or readers. Not the same as mood or atmosphere
Poetic License Liberty taken by a poet to produce a desired effect by deviating from conventional rules, etc.
Anthem A hymn of praise, patriotism, or devotion
Metaphor A comparison between two unlike things -The comparison suggests that one thing IS another -Often the comparisons are implied rather than directly stated
Extended Metaphor When the metaphor extends through a whole work or a large portion
Simile A direct comparison between two unlike things that are connected by the word "like" or "as"
Personification A figure of speech in which an animal, an object, or an idea is given human qualities
Rhyme Correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words
Rhyme Scheme The ordered pattern of rhymes at the end of the lines of a poem or verse
Iambic pentameter a line of verse with five metrical feet (10 syllables) -each consists of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
Stanza A group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem
Atmosphere The mood or feeling of a literary work
Imagery The use of a language to evoke a picture or a concrete sensation of a person, object, place or experience
Satire The ridicule of an idea, person, or type sometimes in order to provoke change. Satire often mocks human vices or shortcomings
Parody A literary work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or work for comic effect or ridicule -A humorous, satirical or off-beat imitation of a person, event, or work of literature
Hyperbole An exaggeration in the service of truth. Used to add emphasis
Lyric Any short poem intended mainly to express a state of mind or feeling
Couplet Two consecutive lines that rhyme
Quatrain A stanza of four lines
Sestet A stanza of six lines
Octave Stanza of eight lines
Dramatic Monologue A poetic form in which a single character speaks to a silent listener at a critical moment -Reveals a dramatic situation and his/her own character
Unreliable Narrator The person telling the story who cannot be trusted
Irony A literary device which reveals concealed or contradictory
Verbal Irony Contrast is evident between what a character says and what the character actually means
Situational Irony A set of circumstances turn out differently from what was expected or considered appropriate
Dramatic Irony The author shares with the reader information not known by a character
Ballad A narrative poem that is handed down in oral tradition, or a written poem that imitates the traditional ballad. Usually uses repetition and a repeated refrain
Elegy Mournful, melancholic poem, especially a song of lament for the dead
Epic A long narrative poem that tells of the adventures of heroic characters, covers a long period of time, or describe a monumental taste
Narrative This is another word for story. A narrative poem is one that tells a story
Free Verse Verse that lacks regular meter and line length but relies upon natural rhythms
Ode A serious, sincere poem written in praise of something or someone. Often parodied
Accent The emphasis or stress placed on a certain syllable in a foot of poetry
Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds
Assonance The repetition of internal vowel sounds in words
Dissonance A harsh, disagreeable combination of words
Imperfect Rhyme A resemblance in the sound of words that is not exact as in "move" and "love"
Internal Rhyme Rhyme which comes within lines
Feminine Rhyme A rhyme extending over two or more syllables, and in "sister" and "blister"
Masculine Rhyme A rhyme in which the final syllables rhyme, as in "singing/walking" and "house/mouse"
Onomatopoeia the use of words which sound like what they mean
Refrain A line, part of line, or group of lines which is repeated throughout a poem, sometimes with slight changes
Repetition the repeated use of key words, phrases, stanzas or sounds in a poem
Oxymoron Two words placed close together that are contradictory yet have truth in them
Versification Metrical structure that includes accent, foot, meter, rhyme, rhythm, and stanza form
Metonymy The use of a closely related idea for the idea itself
Synecdoche The use of the part for the whole idea
Paradox This is a statement in which there is an apparent contradiction which is actually true
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