Arterial anatomy


Anatomy of arteries
Flashcards by bethan.warwick, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bethan.warwick over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Branches of external iliac artery (3) Inferior epigastric artery Deep circumflex iliac artery Femoral artery
Branches of the internal iliac artery Anterior division (7) Superior vesical Inferior vesical Obturator (via obturator foramen) Middle rectal Uterine Internal pudendal (via greater sciatic foramen and under ischial spine then back into pelvis via lesser sciatic foramen) Inferior gluteal (via greater sciatic foramen)
Branches of the internal iliac artery Posterior division (3) Ilio-lumbar Lateral Sacral Superior gluteal (via greater sciatic foramen)
Branches of superior vesical artery (4) Obliterated umbilical Vesical Ureteric Vasal
Branches of inferior vesical artery (2) Ureteric Vesical
Branches of obturator artery (3) To ligamentum teres Lateral Medial
Branches of uterine artery (3) Uterine Vaginal Ureteric
Branches of internal pudendal artery (6) Perineal To bulb Urethral Inferior rectal Deep artery of penis / clitoris Dorsal artery of penis / clitoris
Branches of inferior gluteal artery (4) Muscular Anastomotic Coccygeal Arteria comitans nervi ischiadici
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