KOKO: 'Yiri'


Edexcel GCSE Music flashcards for Yiri
Alex C
Flashcards by Alex C, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex C
Created by Alex C almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Dynamics dynamic variation is created through textural alteration e.g. monophonic balafon solo at start is quieter
Dynamics coda - moments of complete silence create impact and signal end of piece
Rhythm/metre intro - time sig i 4/4 but free tempo/rubato is used
Rhythm/metre use change of metre to signal change in texture or instrumentation e.g. 6/4 in b.14 before drums enter
Rhythm/metre change of metre before chorus marks piece into clear sections
Rhythm/metre syncopation in balafon octave leaps
Structure Intro: balafon, 2nd balafon, drums
Structure 1st chorus: vocals, balafon break
Structure 2nd chorus (shorter balafon break)
Structure call & response section
Structure chorus: more complex vocals
Structure final chorus: long balafon break at end
Structure Coda: drum ostinato interrupted by rests; bell signal at end
Melody balafon at b.8 combines conjunct & disjunct leapss well as repeating notes - Gbs & Dbs reinforce key
Melody lack of Fs (leading note) gives modal sound - hexatonic (6 note scale)
Melody breaks are repetitive notewise, drawing attention to rhythms
Melody short melodic idea heard in b.13 is used in coda and developed
Instrumentation/timbre Djembe - variety of tones depending on where struck; play continuous rhythm
Instrumentation/timbre talking drum - 2, large & small; pitch can be altered by squeezingleather tension cords; create resultant rhythm with djembe
Instrumentation/timbre voice - chorus & solo voice (call & response)
Instrumentation/timbre Balafon - 2, higher & lower (higher one heard in intro); tremolo effect used on them
Texture intro is monophonic
Texture balafon 2 enters & plays in octave unison before becoming heterophonic (almost identical versions - harmony in 5ths)
Texture overall, texture is layered, but balafons use counterpoint
Texture call & response in vocals - solo call, chorus response
Harmony/tonality key of Gbmaj overall - sounds modal as it is hexatonic (no leading note F)
Harmony/tonality strong use of tonic & dominant reinforces sense of key
Harmony/tonality Harmony arises as a byproduct of the balafons' counterpoint
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