Pendahuluan dan Sejarah Virologi


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Flashcards by raifedora, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by raifedora almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
First report of viral infection 1400 SM: Hieroglyph in Memphis > paralytic poliomyelitis
Ramses V (1196) > Smallpox
Smallpox in 1000SM Endemic virus in China
1798 : Jenner The pox from mammal > vaccine
Germ Theory Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur (1880)
Koch Postulate First point 1. Every disease agent has to be found in every case.
Koch Postulate point 2 The agent must be able to be isolated from the host and cultured in vitro
Postulate Koch point 3 If pure culture of the agent inoculated into a healthy host susceptible to infection, the host will be infected
Koch Postulate point 4 The very same agent could be recovered from the latter.
1890 Iwanowski et al: Filtration to TMV -> filtrate is bacteria free yet still infectious
Virus meaning (Iwanowski et al) Poison (latin)
Rous (1911) Rous Sarcoma Virus in chicken
Shope 1933 Influenza virus isolated
Stanley (1935) Tobacco Mosaic Virus: Composed of Nucleic Acid and protein
Hershey, Chase 1952 Mechanism of viral infection
1976 : Fiers Sequencing of RNA phage genome MS2
1976: Temin, Erickson RNA Tumor Virus was known
1984: Gallo, Montagnier AIDS Virus was isolated
1995: Multiple Drug Treatment Protease Inhibitors + Reverse Transcriptase inhibitors
Virus description parasit intraseluler, punya RNA/DNA tapi tidak keduanya (dikelilingi protein), genom dilepaskan didalam sitoplasma inang, replikasi terjadi dalam sel inang
Materi pembentuk virion asam nukleat protein lipid gula
Ciri-ciri virion hanya bisa diamati dibawah mikroskop elektron
Bandingkan virus dengan sel
Bandingkan dengan organisme lain
Sifat fisiokimiawi virus 1. Sensitif temperatur : 56 derajat kapsid dan envelop rusak > infektivitas turun 2. pH dan tekanan osmosis : relatif tahan thp kondisi fisiologis 3. Sensitif terhadap pelarut lemak dan deterjen : ether, kloroform, SDC
Partikel Virus (terminologi) Virion
capsid protein yang melindungi genom
Capsid+Genom Nucleocapsid
Envelope Pembungkus, hanya dimiliki beberapa virus
Per biru: asam nukleat ungu: nucleocapsid krem: Envelope abu-abu: capsid
Tempat Replikasi Sel inang
Siklus replikasi Attachment, penetration, uncoating, multiplication, assembly, release
Kenapa belajar virus Virus: sumber penyakit Virus bisa menginfeksi semua makhluk hidup. Mikroorganisme yang paling banyak di bumi
Virus infection
Alasan positif mempelajari virus Tools dalam biomol: 1. promoter untuk RNApol sel eukaryotik 2. cellular oncogenes 3. RNA splicing 4. Replikasi DNA di sel 5. Enzim reverse transcriptase
fungsi virus Phage: untuk typing system pada bakteria Salmonella -sumber enzim reverse transcriptase (retrovirus) dan rna pol (phage) -Pestisida: baculovirus -antibakteri(phage) -antikanker(Modifikasi dari gen herpes simplex virus>Spesifik sel kanker -protein rekombinan (baculovirus dan adenovirus)
Ciri-ciri Host Sempit vs luas (?) vektor: insekta/mamalia atau insekta/tumbuhan -tidak menyebrang batas eu/prokariot
Faktor yang memperngaruhi host range reseptor permukaan, ketersediaan replication machinery, respon inang terhadap anti-viral
ICTV International committee on taxonomy of viruses
Klasifikasi ordo - species
Nomenklatur Bahasa latin, Bisa dengan angka-huruf-kombinasi.
Famili virus viridae
Sub famili virus virinae
genus virus -virus
Kriteria klasifikasi Morfologi, tropisme dan transmisi, genomik fungsional
Klasifikasi berdasarkan morfologi Enveloped, non enveloped, DNA, RNA
DNA/RNA Genome
Klasifikasi Virion structure
Klasifikasi berdasarkan tropisme dan cara transmisi -Hepatitis virus (HVA-HVG kecuali F) -Enteric viruses -respiratory viruses -Arboviruses(anthroda borne viruses) -oncogenic viruses
Klasifikasi berdasarkan genomik fungsional mengutamakan alur fungsi genomnya, kompleks, dan dikenal dengan Baltimore (7kelas)
Central Dogma Molecular Biology DNA-mRNA-Protein, replikasi transkripsi, translasi
Bedanya central dogma dan modified central dogma adanya reverse transcription
Baltimore system of classification
Virus of eukaryotes
Viruses of bacteria
Detection and virus titration : Plaque forming assay
Hemmaglutination assay
Metode dalam virologi
Metode virologi II
Pencegahan, Kontrol dan pengobatan penyakit polio(ongoing), hepatitis B(done), measles(done),influenza(rapid mutation-ongoing), hiv (No vaccine, obat anti-retroviral efektif tapi toksis dan mahal, rapid mutation leads to resistance)
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